Submissions from 2000
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, Jordan J. Paust, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Michael P. Scharf, Jimmy Gurule, Leila Sadat, and Bruce Zagaris
Educating Russia's Future Lawyers -- Any Role for the United States?, Sidney Picker and Jane M. Picker
Taxation of Wealth, Rebecca S. Rudnick and Richard Gordon
Commentary on the ICTR’s Jurisprudence Concerning Witness Issues, Michael P. Scharf
Justice versus Peace, Michael P. Scharf
Terrorism on Trial: The Lockerbie Criminal Proceedings, Michael P. Scharf
The ICC's Jurisdiction over the Nationals of Non-Party States, Michael P. Scharf
The Tools for Enforcing International Criminal Justice in the New Millennium: Lessons from the Yugoslavia Tribunal, Michael P. Scharf
International Institutions, Michael P. Scharf, John Knox, Michelle Mulvena, Chris Potter, and Tracy Sund
NATO Intervention on Trial: The Legal Case that was Never Made, Michael P. Scharf and Paul Williams
The United States and the International Criminal Court: An Overview, Sarah B. Sewall, Carl Kaysen, and Michael P. Scharf
Reviewing CCMA Arbitration Awards: Towards Clarity in the Labour Courts, Calvin W. Sharpe
Acts of God : The Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in America, Theodore Steinberg
Submissions from 1999
Swamp Rules: The End of Federal Wetlands Regulation?, Jonathan H. Adler
There’s No Justice in EPA’s Environmental Justice Policy, Jonathan H. Adler
Wetlands, Waterfowl, and the Menace of Mr. Wilson: Commerce Clause Jurisprudence and the Limits of Federal Wetlands Regulation, Jonathan H. Adler
The Deobjectification of Legal Scholarship by Tenured Radicals, Arthur D. Austin
The Top Ten Politically Correct Law Review Articles, Arthur D. Austin
Medical Professionalism, Jessica Wilen Berg
Subjects’ Capacity to Consent to Neurobiological Research, Jessica Wilen Berg and Paul S. Appelbaum
Citation Practices of the Kansas Supreme Court and Kansas Court of Appeals, Joseph A. Custer
Political Discrimination in the Curriculum: A Case Study, George W. Dent
Secularism and the Supreme Court, George W. Dent
The Defense of Traditional Marriage, George W. Dent
Edward (Ted) Mearns, Jr.--Teacher, Colleague, Friend and Advocate for Justice, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Saving the Lost Sheep (Bringing Environmental Values Back Into the Fold with a New EPA Decision Making Paradigm), Victor B. Flatt
Defense Tactics in DNA Litigation, Paul C. Giannelli
Impeachment: Evidence Amendments, Paul C. Giannelli
Manslaughter and Other Homicides, Paul C. Giannelli
Murder and Aggravated Murder, Paul C. Giannelli
United States Supreme Court: 1999 Term, Paul C. Giannelli
Forensic Science: Handwriting Comparison, Paul C. Giannelli and Edward Iminkelried
Scientific Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli and Edward J. Imwinkelried
Anti-money-laundering Policies: Selected Legal, Political, and Economic Issues, Richard K. Gordon
Fundamentals of United States Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patent, and Trademark, Sheldon W. Halpern and Craig Allen Nard
Note, Expressive Harms and Standing, B. Jessie Hill
A Proposal for Federal Legislation to Address Health Insurance Coverage for Experimental and Investigational Treatments, Sharona Hoffman
Dean Breck, Erik M. Jensen
The Continuing Vitality of Tribal Sovereignty Under the Constitution, Erik M. Jensen
The Redundant Professors Fund, Erik M. Jensen
Swingers: Morality Legislation & The Limits of State Police Power, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Alternative Definitions of Disability: Changes in a Dichotomous vs. Continuous System, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Law and Justice: cases and Reading on the American Legal System, Dale A. Nance
Certainty, Fence Building, and the Useful Arts, Craig Allen Nard
Understanding Labor Law, Douglas E. Ray, Calvin Sharpe, and Robert N. Strassfeld
Genetic Testing, Genetic Medicine, and Managed Care, Mark A. Rothstein and Sharona Hoffman
Clear and Present Danger: Enforcing the International Ban on Biological and Chemical Weapons Through Sanctions, Use of Force, and Criminalization, Michael P. Scharf
Enforcement Through Sanctions, Force, and Criminalization, Michael P. Scharf
Responding to Rwanda: Accountability Mechanisms in the Aftermath of Genocide, Michael P. Scharf
The Amnesty Exception to the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, Michael P. Scharf
The Politics Behind U.S. Opposition to the International Criminal Court, Michael P. Scharf
Forward Symposium: Competing Competition Lawyers: Do We Need a Global Standard, Michael P. Scharf and Thomas C. Fischer
International Institutions, Michael P. Scharf and Tamara A. Shaw
"By Any Means Necessary" - Unprotected Conduct and Decisional Discretion under the National Labor Relations Act, Calvin W. Sharpe
Judial Review of Labor Arbitration Awards: The View From The Bench, Calvin W. Sharpe
L.A. Exponential: The Case Against Southern California Exceptionalism, Theodore Steinberg
Die globale Dimension des Begriffs der ‘Autorschaft’, Martha Woodmansee and Peter Jaszi
New Economic Criticism: Studies at the Intersection of Literature and Economics, Martha Woodmansee and Mark Osteen
Submissions from 1998
A New Environmental Federalism, Jonathan H. Adler
Bean Counting for a Better Earth: Environmental Enforcement at the EPA, Jonathan H. Adler
Comment, The Green Aspects of Printz: The Revival of Federalism and Its Implications for Environmental Law, Jonathan H. Adler
The Costs of Kyoto: Climate Change Policy and Its Implications, Jonathan H. Adler
Subject Selection for Clinical Trials (CEJA Report 6-I-97), Jessica Wilen Berg
Citation Practices of the Kansas Supreme Court and Kansas Court of Appeals, Joseph A. Custer
Property Tax Abatement, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Scholarship About Teaching, Jonathan L. Entin
The Sign of The Four": Judicial Assignment and the Rule of Law, Jonathan L. Entin
Daubert in the States, Paul C. Giannelli
Double Jeopardy: “Same Offense”, Paul C. Giannelli
Double Jeopardy: “Twice in Jeopardy”, Paul C. Giannelli
Hearsay: Traps & Problem Issues, Paul C. Giannelli
Polygraph Evidence: After Daubert, Paul C. Giannelli
United States Supreme Court: 1998 Term, Paul C. Giannelli
Case Comment, State Oil Co. v. Khan, B. Jessie Hill
Recent Case, United States v. Thomas, B. Jessie Hill
Pre-Employment Examinations and the Americans with Disabilities Act: How Best to Avoid Liability Under Federal Law, Sharona Hoffman and Glenn Pransky
Courtroom Criminal Evidence, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Paul C. Giannelli, Francis A. Giligan, and Fredric I. Lederer
American Indian Law Meets the Internal Revenue Code: Warbus v. Commissioner, Erik M. Jensen
Commandeering, the Tenth Amendment, and the Federal Requisition Power: New York v. United States Revisited, Erik M. Jensen
The Effects of State and Local Antidiscrimination Policies for Sexual Orientation, Marieka Klawitter and Victor B. Flatt
Genetic Testing for Cancer Risk: How to Reconcile the Conflicts, Eric Kodish, Georgia L. Wiesner MD, and Maxwell J. Mehlman
“Why Infer”? What the New Institutional Economics Has to Say About Law-Supplied Default Rules, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Identity, Difference, and Enlightenment Heritage(s): Comment on "The Right to Be Punished", Kenneth F. Ledford
Lawyers and the Limits of Liberalism: The German Bar in the Weimar Republic, Kenneth F. Ledford
Responding to the Value Imperative: Learning to Create Value in the Resolution of Disputes, Kenneth Margolis
Desert, Utility, and Minimum Contacts: Toward a Mixed Theory of Personal Jurisdiction, Kevin C. McMunigal
Getting a Handle on Coverage Decisions: If Not Case Law, Then What - Comments on a Paper by Professor William Sage, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Access to the Genome: The Challenge to Equality, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Jeffrey R. Botkin
A Content Analysis of Judicial Decision-Making: How Judges Use the Primary Caretaker Standard to Make a Custody Determination, Kathryn Mercer
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Virginia Morris and Michael P. Scharf
Evidential Completeness and the Burden of Proof, Dale A. Nance
The First to File Priority in Article 9: Can You Sell Your Place in Line?, Spencer Neth
Introduction: Food Safety Regulations -- Cross-Border Implications, Sidney Picker
Forward Symposium: Bridging the Taiwan Strait-Problems and Prospects for China's Reunification or Taiwan's Independence, Michael P. Scharf
The Letter of the Law: The Scope of the International Legal Obligation to Prosecute Human Rights Crimes, Michael P. Scharf
The Prosecutor v. Slavko Dokmanovic: Irregular Rendition and the ICTY, Michael P. Scharf
Trial and Error: An Assessment of the First Judgment of the Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal, Michael P. Scharf
Introduction -- The National War Labor Board and Critical Issues In the Development of Modern Grievance Arbitration, Calvin W. Sharpe
Seniority, Calvin W. Sharpe
The Cultural Work of Copyright: Legislating Authorship in Britain 1837-1842, Martha Woodmansee