Submissions from 1975
No-Fault Automobile Insurance: Will the Poor Pay More Again?,, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Toward the Effective Teaching of Trial Advocacy, James W. McElhaney
The Abuse and Use of Federal Bankruptcy Power, Morris G. Shanker
Submissions from 1974
The Credibility of a Television-Newspaper Advertising Relevant Product Market, Arthur D. Austin
Legal Aspects of Obtaining Evidence for Analysis by Forensic Techniques, Paul C. Giannelli
Effective Litigation; Trials, Problems, and Materials, James W. McElhaney
Schroeder-Katz Ohio Criminal Law and Practice, Oliver C. Schroeder and Lewis R. Katz
Comments, A Reappraisal Of The Bargaining Order: Toward a Consistent Application of NLRB v. Gissel Packing Co., Calvin W. Sharpe
Submissions from 1973
The Antitrust Threat to Real Estate, Arthur D. Austin
A New Antitrust Problem: Vertical Integration In Correspondent Banking, Arthur D. Austin and Elinor Harris Solomon
HUD and the Human Environment: A Preliminary Analysis of the Impact of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Upon the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Melvyn R. Durchslag and Peter D. Junger
Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure, Lewis R. Katz
The Case for a Literal Reading of UCC Section 2-708(2) (One Profit for the Reseller), Morris G. Shanker
Submissions from 1972
The Emergence of Societal Antitrust, Arthur D. Austin
The Antitrust Implications of Compensating Balances, Arthur D. Austin and Elinor Harris Solomon
Note, Employment Testing: The Aftermath of Griggs v. Duke Power Co, George W. Dent
Analysis of Pretrial Delay in Felony Cases A Summary Report, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Lewis R. Katz
Justice is the Crime; PreTrial Delay in Felony Cases, Lewis R. Katz
Repossession of Consumer Goods: Due Process for the Consumer: What's Due for the Creditor, Spencer Neth
Adjustment Assistance for Employees: The Present Status of Federal Legislation, Sidney Picker
Britain Considers Adoption of Article 9 of UCC, Morris G. Shanker
The Treastment of Executory Contracts and Leases in Bankruptcy Chapter X and XI Proceedings, Morris G. Shanker
Submissions from 1971
Charitable Community Development Corporations and the Tax Reform Act of 1969, Melvyn R. Durchslag
An Implied Private Right of Action under Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Robert N. Rapp
Submissions from 1970
Real Estate Boards and Multiple Listing Systems As Restraints of Trade, Arthur D. Austin
Post-acquisition Relief, Ronald John Coffey
The Interest Deducation: Several New Installments in a Continuing Saga, Leon Gabinet
Comment, Pigeonholes, Privity, and Strict Products Liability, Morris G. Shanker
Submissions from 1969
A Piori Mechanical Jurisprudence in Antitrust, Arthur D. Austin
Procedural Issues in Borak Cases, Ronald John Coffey
Substance of a Borak Right, Ronald John Coffey
Federal Regulation of Land Sales: Full Disclosure Comes Down to Earth, Ronald John Coffey and James d"A Welch
Housing Partnerships: Shelters from Taxes and Shelters for People, Leon Gabinet and Ronald J. Coffey
The New York Stock Exchange Minimum Commission Rate Structure: Antitrust on Wall Street, Paul C. Giannelli
Retaliatory Evictions: Landlords, Tenants and Law Reform, James W. McElhaney
Submissions from 1968
Anitrust Proscription and the Mass Media, Arthur D. Austin
Note, Heart Transplants: Legal Problems and the Need for New Legislation, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Mandatoy Courses Out of the Law School, Morris G. Shanker
Consumer Protection under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Morris G. Shanker and Mark R. Abel
Submissions from 1967
Product Identity and Branding Under the Robinson-Patman Act: Is the FTC's Approach Consistent with the Realities of the Marketplace?, Arthur D. Austin
The Tying Arrangement: A Critique and Some New Thoughts, Arthur D. Austin
The Economic Realities of a “Security”: Is There a More Meaningful Formula?, Ronald John Coffey
Constitutional Law--Unreasonable Searches and Seizures--Stop-and-Frisk Statutes: People v. Peters, 18 N.Y.2d 238, 219 N.E.2d 595, 273 N.Y.S.2d 217 (1966), Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Recent Decisions, Semen -- Personal Injuries -- Choice of Law: Tsakomites v. Transpacific Carriers Corp., 368 F.2d 426 (2d Cir. 1966)., Wilbur C. Leatherberry
The Unsecured Secured Party, Morris G. Shanker
Submissions from 1966
A Survey of the Problems Encountered in Combating Reciprocal Trading Under Existing Trade Regulation Laws, Arthur D. Austin
Reciprocal Trading and the Antitrust Laws, Arthur D. Austin
Robinson-Patman and Meeting Competition: A Myriad of Problems With No Solutions, Arthur D. Austin
The Need for Clarification in Military Habeas Corpus, Lewis R. Katz and Grant S. Nelson
Bankruptcy and Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Morris G. Shanker
Submissions from 1965
Meeting Competition in Good Faith and the "Premium" Product, Arthur D. Austin
Strict Tort Theory of Products Liability and the Uniform Commercial Code: A Commentary on Jurisprudential Eclipses, Pigeonholes and Communication Barriers, Morris G. Shanker
Submissions from 1964
An Integrated Financing System for Purchase Money Collateral: A Proposed Solution to the Fixture Problem Under Section 9-313 of the Uniform Commerical Code, Morris G. Shanker
Comments, A Further Critique of the Fixture Section of the Uniform Commercial Code, Morris G. Shanker
Submissions from 1962
A Reply to the Proposd Amendment of UCC Section 2-702(3): Another View of Lien Creditor's Rights vs. Rights of a Seller to an Insolvent, Morris G. Shanker
Bulk Transfers under Article 6 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Morris G. Shanker
Submissions from 1961
Editorial Notes, Interpretation of Exemptions Under the New Ohio States Tax, Ronald John Coffey
Editorial Notes, Non-Euclidean "Zoning": Its Theoretical Validity and Practical Desirability in Undeveloped Areas, Ronald John Coffey
Submissions from 1960
Recent Cases, Ronald John Coffey
Submissions from 1959
Recent Cases, Ronald John Coffey
Submissions from 1953
Comment, The Norris-La Guardia Act and Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins, Leon Gabinet