Submissions from 1993
Courtroom Criminal Evidence, Edward J. Imwinkelried and Paul C. Giannelli
Of Crud and Dogs, Erik M. Jensen
Know Your Rights, Lewis R. Katz
Bargaining with Uncertainty, Moral Hazard and Sunk Costs: A Default Rule for Precontractual Negotiations, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Looking for Default Rule Legitimacy in All the Wrong Places: A Critique of the Authority of Contract Model and the Coordination Principle Proposed by Professor Burto, Juliet P. Kostritsky
The Patient-Physician Relationship in an Era of Scarce Resources: Is There a Duty to Treat?, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Mainstreaming Trade Press Law: The Rise and Fall of Secondary Meaning, Craig Allen Nard
Goals of the United Nations Decade of International Law: Law Reform and National Programs: Remarks, Michael P. Scharf
Interpreting U.N. Sanctions: The Rulings and Role of the Yugoslavia Sanctions Committee, Michael P. Scharf and Joshua L. Dorosin
Defining the Contours of Unavailability and Reliability for the Confrontation Clause, Barbara R. Snyder
Cloudbusting in Fulton County: A Study on the Ownership of Weather, Theodore Steinberg
God's Terminus: Boundaries, Nature, and Property on the Michigan Shore, Theodore Steinberg
That World's Fair Feeling: Control of Water in 20th-Century America,”, Theodore Steinberg
Submissions from 1992
Clean Fuels, Dirty Air, Jonathan H. Adler
Political Correctness is a Footnote, Arthur D. Austin
Storytelling Deconstructed by Double Session, Arthur D. Austin
Venture Capital and the Future of Corporate Finance, George W. Dent
Going Around and Coming Around in Prince Edward County, Jonathan L. Entin
Dental and Bite Mark Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
"Other Acts” & Character Evidence: Part I, Paul C. Giannelli
"Other Acts” & Character Evidence: Part II, Paul C. Giannelli
Scientific Evidence in Criminal Prosecutions, Paul C. Giannelli
United States Supreme Court: 1990-91 Term, Paul C. Giannelli
United States Supreme Court: 1991-92 Term, Paul C. Giannelli
Improving the Administration of the Colombian Income Tax - Comment, Richard K. Gordon
Tax Administration Concerns in the Design of Substantive Income Tax Law in Emerging Economies, Richard K. Gordon
Taxation of Investment Funds in Emerging Capital Markets: Theory, Problems, and Solutions in the Case of Taiwan, Richard K. Gordon
Trusts and Taxes in Civil Law Developing Countries: Issues, Problems, and Proposed Solutions, Richard K. Gordon and Victoria Summers
Criminal Sanctions in Accidental Oil Spill Cases - Punishment Without A Crime, Sharona Hoffman
Congress and the Income Tax, Erik M. Jensen
Nonrecourse Liabilities and Real Costs: A Reply to Professor Johnson, Erik M. Jensen
RCRA and Non-Traditional Hazardous Wastes, Catherine J. LaCroix
Recycling Hazardous Wastes: a Legal Primer for Generators, Catherine J. LaCroix
Reflections on Law and Meaning in a North Indian Hindu Village, Jonathan Lindsay and Richard Gordon
The Cat and the Mouse, James W. McElhaney
Rethinking Attorney Conflict of Interest Doctrine, Kevin C. McMunigal
Medicare and Medicaid: Are They Just Health Care Programs?, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Karen A. Viscan
Understanding Responses to Hearsay: An Extension of the Comparative Analysis, Dale A. Nance
Adjusting The Balance Between Public Rights and Private Process: Gilmerv. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corporation, Calvin W. Sharpe
Causal Comparisons, Robert N. Strassfeld
If . . .: Counterfactuals in the Law, Robert N. Strassfeld
Submissions from 1991
An Allegory on the Banks of the Nile, Arthur D. Austin
Limited Liability in Environmental Law, George W. Dent
Congress, the President, and the Separation of Powers: Rethinking the Value of Litigation, Jonathan L. Entin
Privacy Rights and Remedies, Jonathan L. Entin
Property Meets Con Law in Prince Edward County, Jonathan L. Entin
OSHA Regulation of Low Exposure Carcinogens: A New Approach to Judicial Analysis of Scientific Evidence, Victor B. Flatt
Authentication, Paul C. Giannelli
Best Evidence Rule, Paul C. Giannelli
DNA Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
DNA Evidence: Some Initial Impressions, Paul C. Giannelli
Gunshot Residue Tests, Paul C. Giannelli
Ohio Rules of Evidence Handbook, Paul C. Giannelli
Ohio Rules of Evidence Handbook, Paul C. Giannelli
Rules of Evidence Amendments, Paul C. Giannelli
The Unanswered Question in Tufts: What Was the Purchaser’s Basis?, Erik M. Jensen
Writing Effectively: A Key Task for Managers, Mary Kay Kantz and Kathryn Mercer
Interviewing the Divorce Client, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Contending with Hitler Varieties of German Resistance in the Third Reich, Kenneth F. Ledford
Psuasion: The Advocate's Art, James W. McElhaney
Assuring the Quality of Medical Care: The Impact of Outcome Assessment and Practice Standards, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Delivering High Technology Home Care, Maxwell J. Mehlman
New Directions: Public Accountability and Program Evaluation, Maxwell J. Mehlman
New Rules for Providers: The Rise of Fiduciary Law, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Physicians Infected with HIV, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Saying "No" to No-Fault: What the Harvard Malpractice Study Means For Medical Malpractice Reform, Maxwell J. Mehlman
The Case of Brotherton v. Cleveland: Transplant Organs, Property Rights and the Constitution, Maxwell J. Mehlman
The Oregon Medicaid Program: Is It Just?, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Hear No Evil, See No Evil: On Professor Nesson's Claims About Evidence Suppression, Dale A. Nance
Missing Evidence, Dale A. Nance
A Study of Coal Arbitration Under the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement between 1975 and 1990, Calvin W. Sharpe
Nature Incorporated : Industrialization and the Waters of New England, Theodore Steinberg
Submissions from 1990
Footnote* Skullduggery** and Other Bad Habits****, Arthur D. Austin
Separation of Powers, the Political Branches, and the Limits of Judicial Review, Jonathan L. Entin
Hearsay: Part I, Paul C. Giannelli
Hearsay: Part II, Paul C. Giannelli
Hearsay: Part III, Paul C. Giannelli
Hearsay: Part IV, Paul C. Giannelli
Writ of Certiorari, Confession, Ex Post Facto, Larceny, & Mandamus, Paul C. Giannelli
Income Tax Compliance and Sanctions in Developing Countries, Richard K. Gordon
Law and the Poor in Rural India: The Prospects for Legal Aid, Richard K. Gordon and Joanathan M. Lindsay
In Search of A Fourth Amendment for the Twenty First Century, Lewis R. Katz
Redefining Fourth Amendment Protection, Lewis R. Katz
The Central Moral Tradition of Lawyering, Robert P. Lawry
The Meaning of Loyalty, Robert P. Lawry
Conflict Within the Legal Profession : Simultaneous Admission and the German Bar, 1903-1927, Kenneth F. Ledford
Forty years of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law), Kenneth F. Ledford
The Costs of Settlement: The Impact of Scarcity of Adjudication on Litigating Lawyers, Kevin C. McMunigal
Fiduciary Contracting: Limitations on Bargaining Between Patients and Health Care Providers, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Conditional Relevance Reinterpreted, Dale A. Nance
Forward: Owning Ideas, Dale A. Nance
The Trashing of Article 6: Isn't There a Better Alternative?, Morris G. Shanker
Private Motivation, State Action and the Allocation of Responsibility for Fourteenth Amendment Violations, Barbara R. Snyder
Dam-Breaking in the 19th-Century Merrimack Valley: Water, Social Conflict, and the Waltham-Lowell Mills, Theodore Steinberg
Submissions from 1989
Federal Income Taxation of Oil and Gas Investments, Alexander Jay Bruen, Willard B. Taylor, and Erik M. Jensen
Proxy Regulation in Search of a Purpose, George W. Dent
Toward Unifying Ownership and Control in the Public Corporation, George W. Dent
Evidentiary and Procedural Rules Governing Expert Testimony, Paul C. Giannelli
Expert Witnesses, Paul C. Giannelli
Impeachment of Witnesses: Part I, Paul C. Giannelli