Submissions from 2003
The Export Clause, Erik M. Jensen
Brother’s Keeper: Must You Protect Opponent’s Confidentiality?, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Has Gideon’s Promise Been Fulfilled?, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Inadequate Representation and Wrongful Conviction, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Teaching Ethics in Evidence, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
The Alternative Perpetrator Strategy, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Detention in the U.S. after 9/11 Without Judicial Oversight, Lewis R. Katz
Questions & Answers: Criminal Procedure I & II, Lewis R. Katz and Neil Cohen
Katz & Giannelli Criminal Law (Baldwins Ohio Practice), Lewis R. Katz, Paul C. Giannelli, Beverly J. Blair, and Judith P. Lipton
Consumers & Creative Destruction: Fair Use Beyond Market Failure, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Internet Revolution, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Comparing Comparisons: Disciplines and the Sonderweg, Kenneth F. Ledford
Commentary on Prosecutor v. Furundzija, Greg Lombardi and Michael P. Scharf
Anti-Aging Research and the Need for Public Dialogue, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Resolving the medical malpractice crisis: Fairness considerations, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Wondergenes : genetic enhancement and the future of society, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Reliability and the Admissibility of Experts, Dale A. Nance
In Defense of Geographic Disparity, Craig Allen Nard
Introduction: The Law, Technology & The Arts Symposium: Copyright in the Digital Age: Reflection on Tasini and Beyond, Craig Allen Nard
An Illusory Fork in the Road to Peace: Justice vs. Accommodation, Michael P. Scharf
Earned Sovereignty: Juridical Underpinnings, Michael P. Scharf
Foreword: The Role of Justice in Building Peace, Michael P. Scharf
ICTY at Ten: A Critical Assessment of the Major Rulings of the International Criminal Tribunal over the Past Decade: Foreword, Michael P. Scharf
Is Invasion of Iraq Lawful Under International Law?, Michael P. Scharf
Security and Freedom: Are the Government's Efforts to Deal with Terrorism Volatile of our Freedoms?, Michael P. Scharf
The Legacy of the Milosevic Trial, Michael P. Scharf
The Functions of Justice and Anti-Justice in the Peacebuilding Process, Michael P. Scharf and Paul P. Williams
Will Mortgage Law Survive? A Commentary and Critique on Mortgage Law's Birth, Long Life, and Current Proposals for Its Demise, Morris G. Shanker
Evidence Teaching Wisdom: A Survey, Calvin W. Sharpe
Integrity Review of Statutory Arbitration Awards, Calvin W. Sharpe
Nuts and Bolts for the New or Occasional Evidence Teacher, Calvin W. Sharpe
Reliability under Rule 702: A Specialized Application of 403, Calvin W. Sharpe
Intrinsic Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Research: A Need for Disclosure, Shamon Sollitto, Sharona Hoffman, Maxwell J. Mehlman, Robert J. Lederman, Stuart J. Yongner, and Michael M. Lederman
George Steinbrenner, Robert N. Strassfeld
Resolving Sovereignty-Based Conflicts: The Emerging Approach of Earned Sovereignty, Paul R. Williams, Michael P. Scharf, and James R. Hooper
Submissions from 2002
Do Conservation Conventions Conserve?, Jonathan H. Adler
Fables of the Cuyahoga: Reconstructing a History of Environmental Protection, Jonathan H. Adler
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Emissions Trading in North America, Jonathan H. Adler
Judicial Federalism Not Anti-Environment, Jonathan H. Adler
Legal Obstacles to Private Ordering in Marine Fisheries, Jonathan H. Adler
The Precautionary Principle’s Challenge to Progress, Jonathan H. Adler
The Role of the Judiciary in Preserving Federalism, Jonathan H. Adler
Introduction: The Virtues and Vices of Skeptical Environmentalism, Jonathan H. Adler and Andrew P. Morriss
Genetics: Ethics , Law, and Policy, Lori B. Andrews, Maxwell J. Mehlman, and Mark A. Rothstein
Chasing Cardozo and Langdell Out of the Closet*, Arthur D. Austin
The Postmodern Buzz in Law School Rankings, Arthur D. Austin
Evidence: Cases and Materials, Kenneth S. Broun, Robert P. Mosteller, and Paul C. Giannelli
Note, A Rule Unfit for All Seasons: Monitoring of Attorney-Client Communication Violates Privilege and the Sixth Amendment, Avidan Y. Cover
Kansas Practice Materials, Joseph A. Custer
Lawyers and Trust in Business Alliances, George W. Dent
State Sovereign Immunity: a reference guide to the United States Constitution, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Equal Protection, the Conscientious Judge, and the 2000 Presidential Election, Jonathan L. Entin
In Memoriam: John P. Frank, Jonathan L. Entin
Insubstantial Questions and Federal Jurisdiction, Jonathan L. Entin
Judicial Selection and Political Culture, Jonathan L. Entin
Expert Testimony on Fingerprints: An Internet Exchange, Richard Friedman, D.H. Kaye, Jennifer Mnookin, Dale Nance, and Michael Saks
Slow Transformations: The WTO As a Distributive Organization, Peter M. Gerhart
Daubert ‘Unbound, Paul C. Giannelli
Fabricated Reports, Paul C. Giannelli
Fingerprints Challenged, Paul C. Giannelli
Fingerprints Challenged!, Paul C. Giannelli
Scientific Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
Fingerprints, Paul C. Giannelli and Edward Imwinkelried
Public Health and the Separation of Church and State: Pedreira v. Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children, Brian K. Gran
Sentencing Consistency: Basic Principles Instead of Numerical Grids: The Ohio Plan, Burt W. Griffin and Lewis R. Katz
AIDS Caps, Contraceptive Coverage, and the Law: An Analysis of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Statutes’ Applicability to Health Insurance, Sharona Hoffman
The Foundations of Legal and Political Citizenship, Thomas Janoski and Brian K. Gran
Reflections on Editing a Journal for Law Teachers, Erik M. Jensen
The Anti-Contact Rule in Criminal Investigations, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
The Supreme Court and Defense Counsel Conflicts, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
The Rise and Fall of Promissory Estoppel or Is Promissory Estoppel Really as Unsuccessful as Scholars Say It Is: A New Look at the Data, Juliet P. Kostritsky
The Creative Destruction of Copyright: Napster & the New Economics of Digital Technology, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
The Founders’ Privacy: The Fourth Amendment and The Power of Technological Surveillance, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Cyberspace Law: Cases & Materials, Ryamond Shih Ray Ku, Michelle A. Farber, and Arthur J. Cockfield
Ethics in the Shadow of the Law: The Political Obligation of a Citizen, Robert P. Lawry
Introduction to the Jonathan M. Ault Symposium: Professional Responsibilty and Multi-Disciplinary Practice, Robert P. Lawry
Introduction: Are the Walls Tumbling Down? Hardly. Are the Sands Shifting? Surely. Symposium: Barriers to Access to Health Care, Louise W. McKinney
Introduction Symposium, Barriers to Access to Health Care: Are the Walls Tumbling Down? Hardly. Are the Sands Shifting? Surely., Louise W. McKinney
Comment: Multi-Disciplinary Practice and Conflict of Interest, Kevin C. McMunigal
Behavioral Genetics? Can We Prevent Crimes Before They Are Committed?, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Any DNA to Declare? Regulating Offshore Access to Genetic Enhancement, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Kristen M. Rabe
Comment on the Age Discrimination Example, Dale A. Nance
In Memoriam — Howard B. Eisenberg, Craig Allen Nard
The DMCA's Anti-Device Provisions: Impeding the Progress of the Useful Arts, Craig Allen Nard
Toward a Cautious Approach to Obeisance: The Role of Scholarship in Patent Law Jurisprudence, Craig Allen Nard
On Dangerous Ground: Passive Personality Jurisdiction and the Prohibition of Internet Gambling, Michael P. Scharf
Statesman or War Criminal?, Michael P. Scharf
The Case for an International Trial of the al-Qaeda and Taliban Perpetrators of the 9/11 Attacks, Michael P. Scharf
The International Trial of Slobodan Milosevic: Real Justice or Real Politik?, Michael P. Scharf
Jelisic Judgment of the Yugoslavia Tribunal, Michael P. Scharf and Greg Lombardi
The Interstellar Relations of the Federation: International Law and Star Trek: The Next Generation, Michael P. Scharf and Lawrence D. Robert
International Law Principles on Accountability, Michael P. Scharf and Nigel Rodley
Slobodan Milosevic on Trial: A Companion, Michael P. Scharf and William Schabas
Down to Earth: Nature, Agency, and Power in History, Theodore Steinberg
Down to Earth: Nature’s Role in American History, Theodore Steinberg
Submissions from 2001
Let Fifty Flowers Bloom: Transforming the States into Laboratories of Environmental Policy, Jonathan H. Adler
Stand or Deliver: Citizen Suits, Standing, and Environmental Protection, Jonathan H. Adler
The Dark Side of the Second Amendment, Arthur D. Austin
Grave Secrets: Ethical and Legal Analysis of Postmortem Confidentiality, Jessica Wilen Berg