Submissions from 2001
Risky Business: Evaluating Oocyte Donation, Jessica Wilen Berg
Informed Consent: Legal Theory and Clinical Practice, Jessica Wilen Berg and Paul S. Appelbaum
Principles of Patent Law: Cases and Materials (2nd ed.), Donald S. Chisum, Craig Allen Nard, Herbert F. Schwartz, Pauline Newman, and F. Scott Kieff
Law Librarian’s Journal over 10 Years Later, Joseph A. Custer
Gap Fillers and Fiduciary Duties in Strategic Alliances, George W. Dent
Introduction - George A. Leet Business Law Symposium: The Future of Private Equity Financing, George W. Dent
The Family Covenant and Genetic Testing, David J. Doukas and Jessica Wilen Berg
Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co. Seventy-Five Years Later: This Is Not Your Father's Zoning Ordinance, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Judicial Supermajorities and the Validity of Statutes: How Mapp Became a Fourth Amendment Landmark Instead of a First Amendment Footnote, Jonathan L. Entin
"[H]e Should at His Peril Keep It There": How the Common Law Tells us That Risk Based Corrective Action is Wrong, Victor B. Flatt
When Torts is More Than a Series of Accidents: Epstein on Torts, Victor B. Flatt
With Your Shield or on it: Challenging the Pacifist Mother Archetype, Shannon E. French
The Sales Convention in Courts: Uniformity, Adaptability, and Adoptability, Peter M. Gerhart
Character Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
False Credentials, Paul C. Giannelli
Hair Comparison Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
Impact of Post-Conviction DNA Testing in Forensic Science, Paul C. Giannelli
“Other Acts” Evidence: Part II, Paul C. Giannelli
Scientific Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases, Paul C. Giannelli
Scientific Evidence in the Sam Sheppard Case, Paul C. Giannelli
United States Supreme Court: 2001 Term, Paul C. Giannelli
Giannelli Snyder Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli and Barbara R. Snyder
Continued Concern: Human Subject Protection, the Institutional Review Board, and Continuing Review, Sharona Hoffman
Legislation and Genetic Discrimination, Sharona Hoffman
The Use of Placebos in Clinical Trials: Responsible Research or Unethical Practice?, Sharona Hoffman
16th Century 19th Amendment Jurisprudence, Erik M. Jensen
Four Limericks in “Tax Case Limericks: A Casual Collection, Erik M. Jensen
Legal Education’s ‘Learned Society', Erik M. Jensen
To the Bag: Installments, Erik M. Jensen
To the Bag: Minutiae, Erik M. Jensen
Disclosing Exculpatory Material in Plea Negotiations, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Irreconcilable Differences: Congressional Treatment of Internet Service Providers as Speakers, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Conflict of Interest as Risk Analysis, Kevin C. McMunigal
The Craft of Due Process, Kevin C. McMunigal
Reforming Extrinsic Impeachment, Kevin C. McMunigal and Calvin William Sharpe
Naturalized Epistemology and the Critique of Evidence Theory, Dale A. Nance
Process Considerations in the Age of Markman and Mantras, Craig Allen Nard
Application of Treaty-Based Universal Jurisdiction to the Nationals of Non-Party States, Michael P. Scharf
Defining Terrorism as the Peace Time Equivalent of War Crimes: A Case of Too Much Convergence Between International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law, Michael P. Scharf
Internationalizing the Study of Law, Michael P. Scharf
The ICC's Jurisdiction Over the Nationals of Non-Party States: A Critique of the U.S. Position, Michael P. Scharf
The International Criminal Court's Jurisdiction Over the Nationals of Non - Party States: A Critique of the U.S. Position, Michael P. Scharf
The Law of International Organizations: Problems and Materials, Michael P. Scharf
The United States and the International Criminal Court: A Recommendation for the Bush Administration, Michael P. Scharf
International Institutions, Michael P. Scharf, Edward Beagan, Detra Michelle Chandler, Lawrence K. Demeo, Lizabeth R. Fielding, Joao Godoy, and Phillip O. Figura
Forward Symposium: Universal Jurisdiction: Myths, Realities, and Prospects, Michael P. Scharf and Thomas C. Fisher
Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards Under the New South Africa Labour Relations Act of 1995, Calvin W. Sharpe
Morton Salt Disaster, Theodore Steinberg
Split Personality Ponds, Theodore Steinberg
The Secret History of Natural Disaster, Theodore Steinberg
The World’s Social Laboratory: Women, Work, and Pensions in New Zealand, Susan St. John and Brian K. Gran
The Interests in Disinterestedness, Martha Woodmansee
Submissions from 2000
Ecology, Liberty & Property: A Free Market Environmental Reader, Jonathan H. Adler
More Sorry than Safe: Assessing the Precautionary Principle and the Proposed International Biosafety Protocol, Jonathan H. Adler
The Cartagena Protocol and Biological Diversity; Biosafe or Bio-sorry, Jonathan H. Adler
Waste & the Dormant Commerce Clause—A Reply (response to Richard Epstein), Jonathan H. Adler
Greenhouse Policy without Regrets: a Free Market Approach to the Uncertain Risks of Climate Change, Jonathan H. Adler and Clyde Wayne Crews
Environmental Performance at the Bench: The EPA's Record in Federal Court, Jonathan H. Adler and Kenneth Green
When, If Ever, Should Confidentiality Be Set Aside?, Jessica Wilen Berg
International Finance and the New Role of the State, Juscelino F. Colares
Managing Internal Administrative Change, Joseph A. Custer
Accommodation by Declaration, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Forgotten Federalism: The Takings Clause and Local Land Use Decisions, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Executive Privilege and Interbranch Comity After Clinton, Jonathan L. Entin
Dickinson v. Zurko: An Amicus Brief, Thomas G. Field, Craig Allen Nard, and John F. Duffy
Military Ethics, Shannon E. French
Reflections: Beyond Compliance Theory-TRIPS as a Substantive Issue, Peter M. Gerhart
Why Lawmaking for Global Intellectual Property is Unbalanced, Peter M. Gerhart
Expert Qualifications: Traps for the Unwary, Paul C. Giannelli
New Developments in Scientific Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
Ohio’s DNA Databank Statute, Paul C. Giannelli
The Ex Post Facto Clause, Paul C. Giannelli
United States Supreme Court: 2000 Term, Paul C. Giannelli
DNA Databanks, Paul C. Giannelli, Sharona Hoffman, and Wendy E. Wagner
Scientific Evidence: The Fallout from the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in Kumho Tires, Paul C. Giannelli and Edward Imwinkelried
Law of Tax Administration and Procedure, Richard K. Gordon
Tax Legislative Process, Richard K. Gordon and Victor Thuronyi
Rights and Ratios: A Comparative Analysis of Social Rights and Immigration Ratios, Brian K. Gran and Elizabeth Clifford
ADA Obligations of Employers, Sharona Hoffman
Beneficial and Unusual Punishment: An Argument in Support of Prisoner Participation in Clinical Trials, Sharona Hoffman
Prisoner Participation in Biomedical Research, Sharona Hoffman
19th Century 16th Amendment Jurisprudence, Erik M. Jensen
Developments Affecting Sales, Exchanges, and Basis, Erik M. Jensen
News Flash: The Income Tax Remains Constitutional, Erik M. Jensen
The Shortest Article in Law Review History, Erik M. Jensen
Y2K and the Income Tax, Erik M. Jensen
When Should Contract Law Supply a Liability Rule or Term?: Framing a Principle of Unification for Contracts, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Antitrust Immunity, the First Amendment & Settlements: Defining the Boundaries of the Right to Petition, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Forward: A Brave New Cyberworld?, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Open Internet Access & Freedom of Speech: A First Amendment Catch-22, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Confidentiality in Mediation, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
German lawyers and the state in the Weimar Republic, Kenneth F. Ledford
Judicial Independence and Political Representation: Prussian Judges as Parliamentary Deputies, 1849-1913, Kenneth F. Ledford
Picking A Jury: Who Are You Talking To?, James W. McElhaney
Are Prosecutorial Ethics Standards Different?, Kevin C. McMunigal
Encyclopedia of Ethical, Legal, and Policy Issues in Biotechnology, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Human Enhancement Uses of Biotechnology, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Human Enhancement Uses of Biotechnology, Genetic Enhancement and the Regulation of Acquired Genetic Advantages, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Human Enhancement Uses of Biotechnology, Law, Genetic Enhancement, and the Regulation of Acquired Genetic Advantages, Maxwell J. Mehlman
A Theory of Claim Interpretation, Craig Allen Nard