Faculty Publications | Case Western Reserve University School of Law


Submissions from 1996

From General Estate to Special Interest: German Lawyers 1878-1933, Kenneth F. Ledford

Of Causes and Clients: Two Tales of Roe v. Wade, Kevin C. McMunigal

Access to the Genome and Federal Entitlement Programs, Maxwell J. Mehlman

Drug Regulation: By Whom For Whom?, Maxwell J. Mehlman

Historical Trends in Malpractice Litigation, Maxwell J. Mehlman


Medical Advocates: A Call for a New Profession, Maxwell J. Mehlman

Verbal Completeness and Exclusionary Rules Under the Federal Rules of Evidence, Dale A. Nance

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, Jordan J. Paust, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Michael P. Scharf, Jimmy Gurule, Leila Sadat, and Bruce Zagaris

An Assessment of the Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal, Michael P. Scharf


The International Trial of the Century? A Cross-Fire" Exchange on the First Case Before the Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal, Michael P. Scharf and Valerie Epps

What Is a Natural Disaster? Acts of God and Man in Modern America, Theodore Steinberg

The Ethical Reaches of ‘Authorship’, Martha Woodmansee and Peter Jaszi

Submissions from 1995

Evaluating Storytelling as a Type of Nontraditional Scholarship, Arthur D. Austin

The Jury System at Risk From Complexity, The New Media, and Deviancy, Arthur D. Austin

Benchmarks: The Ecological and Economic Trends That Are Shaping the Natural Environment and Human Societies, Peter Cazamias, David Monack, and Jonathan H. Adler

Race and the Origins of Zoning in the Chicago Suburbs, Jonathan L. Entin


Introduction: The Context for Innovation in Japan, Comparative Competitive Aspects, Peter M. Gerhart

Riding the Whirlwind, Peter M. Gerhart


Seizing Evidence From Suspects For Forensic Analysis, Paul C. Giannelli

The Admissibility of Hypnotic Evidence in U.S. Courts, Paul C. Giannelli

Privatization and Legal Development, Richard K. Gordon


American Indian Tribes and 401(k) Plans, Erik M. Jensen

Editing the Juornal [sic] of Legal Education, Erik M. Jensen


Consensus of the Governed: The Legitimacy of Constitutional Change, Raymond Shih Ray Ku

German Lawyers and the State in the Weimar Republic, Kenneth F. Ledford

McElhaney's Litigation, James W. McElhaney

Justice and Health Care: Comparative Perspectives, Maxwell J. Mehlman

An Insider's Guide to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: A Documentary History and Analysis, Virginia Morris and Michael P. Scharf


A Theory of Verbal Completeness, Dale A. Nance


Conditional Probative Value and the Reconstruction of the Federal Rules of Evidence, Dale A. Nance


Deference, Defiance, and Useful Arts, Craig Allen Nard


Empirical Legal Scholarship: Reestablishing a Dialogue Between the Academy and Profession, Craig Allen Nard


Musical Chairs: The Dissolution of States and Membership in the United Nations, Michael P. Scharf

The Role of the Security Council Sanctions Committee, Michael P. Scharf

In Defense of the Sales Statute of Frauds and Parole Evidence Rule: A Fair Price of Admission to the Courts, Morris G. Shanker

The Art of Being a Good Advocate, Calvin W. Sharpe

Slide Mountain, or the Folly of Owning Nature, Theodore Steinberg

UN Mandates: The Letter of the Law, Paul Williams and Michael P. Scharf

Submissions from 1994

Deconstruction: The Road to a Derridian Cul-De-Sac Where "There is no There There" and "There is No About About for Anything to be About", Arthur D. Austin

Orwellian Lawspeak Infiltrates Legal Education, Arthur D. Austin

The Top Ten Politically Correct Law Review Articles, Arthur D. Austin


Note, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Silence: Taking a Stand on Fifth Amendment Implications For Court-Ordered Therapy Programs, Jessica Wilen Berg

Wrongful Birth: Medical, Legal, and Philosophical Issues, Jeffery R. Botkin and Maxwell J. Mehlman

Should Political Subdivisions Be Accorded Eleventh Amendment Immunity?, Melvyn R. Durchslag

Beyond Polemic, Jonathan L. Entin


The Human Environment of the Mind: Correcting NEPA Implementation by Treating Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Risk Allocation as Environmental Values Under NEPA, Victor B. Flatt


Confrontation Issues in Child Abuse Cases, Paul C. Giannelli

Daubert and Forensic Science, Paul C. Giannelli

Daubert: Interpreting the Federal Rules of Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli


Junk Science, Daubert, and Ohio Rule 702, Paul C. Giannelli


Juvenile Court Bindover Hearings, Paul C. Giannelli

Ohio Rules of Evidence Handbook, Paul C. Giannelli


Polygraph Evidence: Part I, Paul C. Giannelli


Polygraph Evidence: Part II, Paul C. Giannelli


United States Supreme Court: 1993-94 Term, Paul C. Giannelli

AIDS: Insurance Coverage and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Sharona Hoffman

A 1990s Law School Conversation, Erik M. Jensen

Declining Fortunes, Erik M. Jensen

Pragmatic Instrumentalism and the Future of American Legal Education, Erik M. Jensen

Introduction, Symposium: The Future of the Legal Profession, Robert P. Lawry

McElhaney's Trial Notebook, James W. McElhaney

Coping Strategies for Research Seminars, Kevin C. McMunigal

Graphic Helps Students Decipher Evidence Rule, Kevin C. McMunigal

Bad “Bad Baby” Bills, Maxwell J. Mehlman

Coverage of Genetic Technologies Under National Health Reform, Maxwell J. Mehlman

Informed Consent to Amnestics or: What Sound Does A Tree Make In The Forest When It Falls On Your Head?, Maxwell J. Mehlman, George A. Kanoti, and James P. Orlowski

Civility and the Burden of Proof, Dale A. Nance


Foreword: Do We Really Want to Know the Defendant?, Dale A. Nance

Law and Justice: cases and Reading on the American Legal System, Dale A. Nance


The Interstellar Relations of the Federation: International Law and Star Trek: The Next Generation, Michael P. Scharf and Lawrence D. Roberts

Gilmer Unfolds, Calvin W. Sharpe

"Judging in Good Faith" - Seeing Justice Marshall's Legacy Through A Labor Case, Calvin W. Sharpe

Environment, Theodore Steinberg

New England in a Pocketbook: Gazetteers and the Modernization of Landscape, Theodore Steinberg


Vietnam War on Trial: The Court-Martial of Dr. Howard B. Levy, Robert N. Strassfeld

The Author, Art, and the Market: Rereading the History of Aesthetics, Martha Woodmansee

Introduction, Martha Woodmansee and Peter Jazi

Submissions from 1993

Antitrust Deconstructed, Arthur D. Austin

Deconstructing Voice Scholarship, Arthur D. Austin

Scoff Law School Debates Whether a Male Can Teach a Course in Feminist Jurisprudence, Arthur D. Austin

The Reliability of Citation Counts in Judgments on Promotion, Tenure, and Status, Arthur D. Austin

Why Haven't the Crits Deconstructed Footnotes?, Arthur D. Austin

Conception and the 'On-Sale' Bar, David W. Carstens and Craig Allen Nard


Of God and Caesar: The Free Exercise Rights of Public School Students, George W. Dent

Property Tax Abatement for Low Income Housing: An Idea Whose Time May Never Arrive, Melvyn R. Durchslag


Defensible Fees, State Action, and the Legacy of Massive Resistance, Jonathan L. Entin


Innumeracy and Jurisprudence: The Surprising Difficulty of Counting Petition Signatures, Jonathan L. Entin


Symposium on Religion and the Public Schools after Lee v. Weisman- Introduction, Jonathan L. Entin


The Confirmation Process and the Quality of Political Debate, Jonathan L. Entin


Battered Woman Syndrome, Paul C. Giannelli


Chain of Custody, Paul C. Giannelli

Expert Testimony and the Confrontation Clause, Paul C. Giannelli

Frye, Daubert, and the Federal Rules, Paul C. Giannelli

Hypnotic Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli


“Junk Science”: The Criminal Cases, Paul C. Giannelli


Rape Trauma Syndrome & Child Sexual Abuse Syndrome, Paul C. Giannelli


The Constitutional Right to Defense Experts, Paul C. Giannelli

Scientific Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli and Edward J. Inwinkelried

Some Comments on the Basic World Tax Code and Commentary, Richard K. Gordon

The Patent Process Amendments Act: The Labyrinth, David L. Hitchcock and Craig Allen Nard