Submissions from 2005
Forced Marriage: Exploring the Viability of the Special Court for Sierra Leone's New Crime Against Humanity, Michael P. Scharf
The Perils of Permitting Self-Representation in International War Crimes Trials, Michael P. Scharf
War Crimes and Tribunals, Michael P. Scharf
Will Saddam Hussein Get a Fair Trial?, Michael P. Scharf
Errors and Missteps: Key Lessons the Iraqi Special Tribunal Can learn from the ICTY, ICTR, and SCSL, Michael P. Scharf and Ahran Kang
Do Former Leaders Have an International Right to Act as Their Own Lawyer in War Crimes Trials?, Michael P. Scharf and Christopher Rassi
Seniority, Calvin W. Sharpe
The Story of Emporium Capwell: Civil Rights, Collective Action, and the Constraints of Union Power, Calvin W. Sharpe, Marion G. Crain, and Reuel E. Schiller
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Archives, Theodore Steinberg
Environment, Theodore Steinberg
Lawn and Landscape in World Context, 1945–2005, Theodore Steinberg
The Genius and the Copyright: Economic and Legal Conditions of the Emergence of the ‘Author,’, Martha Woodmansee
Is It Too Late For Title VI Enforcement?: Seeking Redemption of the Unequal United States‟ Long Term Care System Through International Means, Ruqaiijah Yearby
Submissions from 2004
Conservation Through Collusion: Antitrust as an Obstacle to Marine Resource Conservation, Jonathan H. Adler
Letting Fifty Flowers Bloom: Using Federalism to Spur Environmental Innovation, Jonathan H. Adler
Regulating Genetically Modified Foods: Is Mandatory Labeling the Right Answer? (Remarks), Jonathan H. Adler
The Fable of Federal Regulation: Reconsidering the Federal Role in Environmental Protection, Jonathan H. Adler
You Say Person, I Say Property: Does it Really Matter What We Call an Embryo?, Jessica Wilen Berg
Principles of Patent Law: Cases and Materials (3rd ed.), Donald S. Chisum, Craig Allen Nard, Herbert F. Schwartz, Pauline Newman, and F. Scott Kieff
Religion, Morality and Democracy: New Learning, New Challenges, George W. Dent
Traditional Marriage: Still Worth Defending, George W. Dent
An Ohio Dilemma: Race, Equal Protection, and the Unfulfilled Promise of a State Bill of Rights, Jonathan L. Entin
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, Jonathan L. Entin
‘Destroying Everything Segregated I Could Find’: Fred Gray and the Legal Campaign for Integration in Alabama, Jonathan L. Entin
Environmental and Natural Resource Regulation, Jonathan L. Entin
Spare the Rod and Spoil the Law: Why the Clean Water Act has Never Grown Up, Victor B. Flatt
Closing a Loophole in Accountability for War Crimes: Successor Commanders' Duty to Punish Known Past Offenses, Carol T. Fox
Hilles vs. Hector: Combating Moral Damage with the Warrior’s Code, Shannon E. French
Introduction: The Triangulation of International Intellectual Property Law: Cooperation, Power, and Normative Welfare, Peter M. Gerhart
The World Trade Organization and Participatory Democracy: The Historical Evidence, Peter M. Gerhart
Understanding National Treatment: The Participatory Vision of the WTO, Peter M. Gerhart and Michael S. Baron
Admissibility of Lab Reports: The Right of Confrontation Post-Crawford, Paul C. Giannelli
Ake v. Oklahoma: The Right to Expert Assistance in a Post-Daubert, Post-DNA World, Paul C. Giannelli
Expert Qualifications: Who Are These Guys?, Paul C. Giannelli
Understanding Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
Youngblood Innocent!, Paul C. Giannelli
Is There A Place for Race As a Legal Concept, Sharona Hoffman
Birth After Death: Perpetuities and the New Reproductive Technologies, Sharona Hoffman and Andrew P. Morriss
Are Recoveries for Nonphysical Injuries Automatically Taxable?, Erik M. Jensen
Recent Important Developments Affecting Exchanges, Sales, and Basis, Erik M. Jensen
Clients, Lawyers, and the Media, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
The Role of Lawyers in Client Media Campaigns, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Thou Shalt Not Use Religion in Closing Argument, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Trial by Media: Arguing Cases in the Court of Public Opinion, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Privacy as Process, Raymond Shih Ray Ku, Jim Harper, Andrew Taslitz, and Don Wallace
Lawyers as Whistle-Blowers in a Post Enron World, Robert P. Lawry
Formalizing the Rule of Law in Prussia: The Supreme Administrative Law Court, 1876-1914, Kenneth F. Ledford
A Statutory Approach to Criminal Law, Kevin C. McMunigal
Diagramming Crimes, Kevin C. McMunigal
Cognition-Enhancing Drugs, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Moore v. Regents of the University of California, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Predictive Genetic Testing in Urology: Ethical and Social Issues, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Rethinking Confrontation After Crawford, Dale A. Nance
Introduction: The Law, Technology & the Arts Symposium: The Past, Present and Future of the Federal Circuit, Craig Allen Nard
Governing the Wealth of Nations: The Santiago Principles at Fifteen, Paul Rose
Defining Terrorism as the Peacetime Equivalent of War Crimes: Problems and Prospects, Michael P. Scharf
Forward Symposium: Nation-Building: Lessons form the Past and the Challenges Ahead, Michael P. Scharf
Is it International Enough: The Iraqi Special Tribunal in Light of the Goals of International Justice, Michael P. Scharf
Trading Justice for Efficiency: Plea Bargaining Before International Tribunals, Michael P. Scharf
Foreword: Terrorism on Trial, Michael P. Scharf and Amy E. Miller
Adjusting The Balance Between Public Rights And Private Process: Gilmerv. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corporation, Calvin W. Sharpe
Introduction , Arbitration in a Fishbowl: The Ethics of Disclosure, Calvin W. Sharpe
Legal Status of Arbitration, Calvin W. Sharpe
Optimality Theory and its Implications For Arbitral Practice, Calvin W. Sharpe
S. Mrks: The Local Church as a Neighborhood Reconciliation Center, Calvin W. Sharpe
Big Is Ugly: The Corporate Enclosure of the Global Water Supply, Theodore Steinberg
Down, Down, Down, No More: Environmental History Moves Beyond Declension, Theodore Steinberg
Last Call for Judgment Day, Theodore Steinberg
‘Lose in Vietnam, Bring Our Boys Home’, Robert N. Strassfeld
Taking Another Ride on Flopper: Benjamin Cardozo, Safe Space, and the Cultural Significance of Coney Island, Robert N. Strassfeld
Good Enough To Use For Research, But Not Good Enough To Benefit from the Results of that Research: Are the Clinical HIV Vaccine Trials in Africa Unjust?, Ruqaiijah Yearby
Submissions from 2003
The Law Academy and the Public Intellectual, Arthur D. Austin
Symposium: Issues in Bioterrorism -Introduction, Jessica Wilen Berg
Anti-Aging Medicine and Science: An Arena of Conflict and Profound Societal Implications, Robert H. Binstock, Eric T. Juengst, Maxwell J. Mehlman, and Stephen G. Post
Formal Legal Theory and the Surrender of political Control over Monetary policy: What can Ulysses' Journey to Ithaca Teach Argentina about Appropriate Legal Form, Juscelino F. Colares
Kansas Legal Research and Reference Guide, Joseph A. Custer, Barbara J. Ginzburg, and Robert A. Mead
The Role of Lawyers in Strategic Alliances, George W. Dent
The George A. Leet Business Law Symposium: The Role of Lawyers in Strategic Alliances - Introduction, George W. Dent
Miranda v. Arizona, Jonathan L. Entin
The Code of the Warrior: Exploring Warrior Values Past and Present, Shannon E. French
The Code of the Warrior: Why Warriors Need a Code, Shannon E. French
The Two Constitutional Visions of the World Trade Organization, Peter M. Gerhart
Admissibility of Scientific Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
Crime Labs Need Improvement, Paul C. Giannelli
Everything That’s Wrong – In One Case, Paul C. Giannelli
Splitting Hairs in the Shadow of the Gallows, Paul C. Giannelli
The Right to Defense Experts, Paul C. Giannelli
The "Science" of Wrongful Convictions, Paul C. Giannelli
The Supreme Court’s ‘Criminal’ Daubert Cases, Paul C. Giannelli
Understanding Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
A Second Opinion: Rethinking the Public-Private Dichotomy for Health Insurance, Brian K. Gran
Social Services for Abused Children: The Benefits and Harms of Going Beyond the Public-Private Dichotomy, Brian K. Gran
The Office of the Children’s Ombudsperson: Children’s Rights and Social-Policy Innovation, Brian K. Gran and Dawn Aliberti
Corrective Justice and Title I of the ADA, Sharona Hoffman
Regulating Clinical Research: Informed Consent, Privacy, and IRBs, Sharona Hoffman
Unmanaged Care: Towards Moral Fairness in Health Care Coverage, Sharona Hoffman
New Reproductive Technologies and the Inheritance Rights of Unborn Children, Sharona Hoffman and Andrew P. Morriss
Doing Business in Indian Country: Introduction to American Indian Law Concepts Affecting Taxation, Erik M. Jensen
Jensen’s Response to Johnson’s Response to Jensen’s Response to Johnson’s Response to Jensen (Or Is It the Other Way Around?), Erik M. Jensen
The Constitution Matters in Taxation, Erik M. Jensen