Faculty Publications | Case Western Reserve University School of Law


Submissions from 1997

Race and Gender Exclusivity in Legal Scholarship, Arthur D. Austin

The Alchemy of Promotion and Tenure, Arthur D. Austin

Waiver of Informed Consent for Emergency Research, Jessica Wilen Berg

Kansas Legal Research and Reference Guide, Joseph A. Custer and Fritz Snyder

Breast Implants Revisited: Beyond Science on Trial, Rebecca S. Dresser, Wendy E. Wagner, and Paul C. Giannelli

United States v. Hays: An Essay on Standing to Challenge Majority Minority Voting Districts, Melvyn R. Durchslag


Dog That Rarely Barks: Why the Courts Won't Resolve the War Powers Debate, Jonathan L. Entin

Goldwater's Style Not Lost on Quincy Teen, Jonathan L. Entin


Synecdoche and the Presidency: The Removal Power as Symbol, Jonathan L. Entin


A Dirty River Runs Through It (The Failure of Enforcement in the Clean Water Act), Victor B. Flatt


The Municipal Bond Interst Exemption: Comments On a Running Battle, Leon Gabinet

Tax Aspects of Marital Dissolution, Leon Gabinet and Harold G. Wren


Judicial Review of Customs Service Actions, Peter M. Gerhart


Criminal Discovery, Scientific Evidence, and DNA, Paul C. Giannelli


Entrapment, Paul C. Giannelli


Police Interrogations and Confessions, Paul C. Giannelli


Rape Trauma Syndrome, Paul C. Giannelli

The Abuse of Scientific Evidence in Criminal Cases: The Need for Independent Crime Laboratories, Paul C. Giannelli


United States Supreme Court: 1997 Term, Paul C. Giannelli

Three Worlds of Old-Age Decommodification? A Comparative Analysis of Old-Age Support and Inequality Using the Luxembourg Income Study, Brian K. Gran

International Migration, Ethno-Politics, and the French Nation-State: Explaining Natives’ Views of Immigrant Assimilation, Brian K. Gran and Jeremy Hein


Economic Performance and Progressive Jackpots: A Better Analysis, Erik M. Jensen

Henry P. Monaghan: The First Keith S. Benson Professor, Erik M. Jensen


Skunk Works Bill Contains Some Stinky Provisions, Erik M. Jensen


Tax Notes by Any Other Name Would Smell Sweeter, Erik M. Jensen


The Supreme Court’s Misleading Footnote in General Dynamics, Erik M. Jensen


Gideon's Trumpet: Mournful and Muffled, Lewis R. Katz


Introduction: Prosecutorial Ethics and the Right to a Fair Trial: The Role of the Brady Rule in the Modern Criminal Justice System, Lewis R. Katz


Mapp after Forty Years: Its Impact on Race in America, Lewis R. Katz


Municipal Courts--Another Urban Ill, Lewis R. Katz


Reflections on Search and Seizure and Illegally Seized Evidence in Canada and the United States, Lewis R. Katz


Symposium on the Fortieth Anniversary of Mapp v. Ohio - Forward, Lewis R. Katz


Terry v. Ohio at Thirty: A Revisionist View, Lewis R. Katz


The Automobile Exception Transformed: The Rise of a Public Place Exemption to the Warrant Requirement, Lewis R. Katz


United States v. Ross: Evolving Standards for Warrantless Searches, Lewis R. Katz

Katz & Giannelli Ohio Criminal Justice, Lewis R. Katz and Paul C. Giannelli


Reshaping the Precontractual Liability Debate: Beyond Short-Run Economics, Juliet P. Kostritsky

Distinguishing Risk From Harm in Conflict of Interest, Kevin C. McMunigal

Reducing the Risks and Realizing the Rewards: An Approach to Teaching Rape Law, Kevin C. McMunigal


Health Care Cost Containment and Medical Technology: A Critique of Waste Theory, Maxwell J. Mehlman


How Will We Regulate Genetic Enhancement, Maxwell J. Mehlman


Introduction - KYL Amendment Symposium, Maxwell J. Mehlman


Introduction, Symposium National Health Care Reform: The Legal Issues, Maxwell J. Mehlman


Introduction: The Law-Medicine Center 50th Anniversary Symposium: The Field of Health Law: It’s Past and Future, Maxwell J. Mehlman


Liability for Prescribing Intravenous Injection Equipment to IV Drug Users, Maxwell J. Mehlman


Presumed Consent to Organ Donation: A Reevaluation, Maxwell J. Mehlman


Rationing Expensive Lifesaving Medical Resources, Maxwell J. Mehlman


Symposium: Workshop on Inherited Breast Cancer in Jewish Women: Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications, Maxwell J. Mehlman


The Human Genome Project and the Courts: Gene Therapy and Beyond, Maxwell J. Mehlman


The Law of Above Averages: Leveling the New Genetic Enhancement Playing Field, Maxwell J. Mehlman

When Do Health Care Decisions Discriminate Against Persons with Disabilities?, Maxwell J. Mehlman, Melvyn R. Durchslay, and Ducan Neuhauser


The Ethics of Judicial Decision-Making Regarding Custody of Minor Children: Looking at the Best Interests of the Child" and the "Primary Caretaker" Standards as Utility Rules, Kathryn Mercer


Guidance Rules and Enforcement Rules: A Better View of the Cathedral, Dale A. Nance


Legitimacy and the Useful Arts, Craig Allen Nard

NAFTA Chapter Twenty--Reflections on Party-to-Party Dispute Resolution, Sidney Picker

The NAFTA 20 Dispute Resolution Process: A View from the Inside, Sidney Picker


Expanded Liability under Section 12 of the Securities Act: When Is a Seller not a Seller?, Robert N. Rapp


A Critique of the Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal in Report of the International Law Association on an International Criminal Court, Michael P. Scharf

Balkan Justice: The Story Behind the First International War Crimes Trial Since Nüremberg, Michael P. Scharf


Getting Serious About An International Criminal Court, Michael P. Scharf


Have We Really Learned the Lessons of Nüremberg?, Michael P. Scharf


Note, Beyond the Rhetoric of Comparative Interest Balancing: An Alternative Approach to Extraterritorial Discovery Conflicts, Michael P. Scharf

Protecting Minorities: The Lessons of International Peacekeeping, Michael P. Scharf


Swapping Amnesty for Peace: Was There a Duty to Prosecute International Crimes in Haiti?, Michael P. Scharf


The Case for A Permanent International Truth Commission, Michael P. Scharf


The Jury is Still Out on the Need for An International Criminal Court, Michael P. Scharf


The Politics of Establishing an International Criminal Court, Michael P. Scharf


The Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic: An Appraisal of the First International War Crimes Trial Since Nüremberg, Michael P. Scharf

Do-It-Yourself Deathscape: The Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in South Florida, Theodore Steinberg


American Innocence, Robert N. Strassfeld


Robert McNamara and the Art and Law of Confession: ‘A Simple Desultory Philippic (Or How I Was Robert McNamara’d into Submission)’, Robert N. Strassfeld

Enhancing Cognition in the Intellectually Intact: Possibilities and Pitfalls,, Peter J. Whitehouse, Eric Juengst, Maxwell Mehlman, and Thomas H. Murray


On the Author Effect: Recovering Collectivity, Martha Woodmansee


Response to David Nimmer, ‘Copyright in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Authorship and Originality’, Martha Woodmansee

Submissions from 1996

Free Market Environmental Bibliography, Jonathan H. Adler

Rent-Seeking Behind the Green Curtain, Jonathan H. Adler

The Legal and Ethical Complexities of Consent with Cognitively Impaired Research Subjects: Proposed Guidelines, Jessica Wilen Berg

When Push Comes to Shove, Jessica Wilen Berg and Richard J. Bonnie


The Role of Convertible Securities in Corporate Finance, George W. Dent

Will the Real Alfonzo Lopez Please Stand Up: A Reply to Professor Nagel, Melvyn R. Durchslag

An Uneasy Case for Affirmative Action: Some Notes from Law, History, and Demography, Jonathan L. Entin


Introduction to Symposium, The New Federalism After United States v. Lopez, Jonathan L. Entin


Environmental "Contraction" for America? (Or How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the EPA), Victor B. Flatt


Chain of Custody, Paul C. Giannelli


Criminal Law Defenses, Paul C. Giannelli

Self-Defense, Paul C. Giannelli


United States Supreme Court: 1995 & 1996 Term, Paul C. Giannelli

Giannelli Snyder Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli and Barbara R. Snyder

Giannelli Snyder Rules of Evidence Handbook, Paul C. Giannelli and Barbara R. Snyder


Model Codes and Tax Technical Assistance: Note on the Revised Edition of the Basic World Tax Code and Commentary, Richard K. Gordon

Ohio Felony Sentencing Law, Burt W. Griffin and Lewis R. Katz

Employer-Mandated Dispute Resolution: Taking a Stand on Coercive Policies, Sharona Hoffman


First, Do No Harm: Why Doctors Are Not Omnipotent Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Sharona Hoffman


Mandatory Arbitration: Alternative Dispute Resolution or Coercive Dispute Suppression?, Sharona Hoffman


The After-Acquired Evidence Rule: The Best of All Possible Worlds?, Sharona Hoffman

John Tiley Redux, Erik M. Jensen

Katz & Giannelli Criminal Law (Baldwins Ohio Practice), Lewis R. Katz and Paul C. Giannelli

Cross-Examining the Truthful Witness: The Ideal within the Central Moral Tradition of Lawyering, Robert P. Lawry

Damned and Damnable: A Lawyer's Moral Duties with Life on the Line, Robert P. Lawry

Justice in Billy Budd, Robert P. Lawry