"Scholarship About Teaching" by Jonathan L. Entin


This essay draws on that experience, focusing on approximately half a dozen particularly good articles that have appeared in the Journal during my editorial tenure. Most of these describe new ideas, offering detailed information for the curious reader who might want to emulate the author's approach or simply to learn what others in the legal academy are doing. Typically, however, these papers contain little or no meaningful assessment or evaluation. "Descriptive" is too often a pejorative term of dismissal. But good description is often an essential first step toward understanding. Because I believe that more rigorous evaluation could add to our store of reliable knowledge about legal education, I offer some suggestions for designing quasi- experiments to assess the utility of educational innovations and discuss some non-experimental studies that have relied upon statistical analysis to evaluate new courses or programs.


Legal Education

Publication Date


Document Type


Place of Original Publication

Chicago-Kent Law Review

Publication Information

73 Chicago-Kent Law Review 847 (1998)


COinS Jonathan L. Entin Faculty Bio