Faculty Publications | Case Western Reserve University School of Law


Submissions from 2008


Nontestimonial Identification Orders For DNA Testing, Paul C. Giannelli


Pretrial Discovery of Expert Testimony, Paul C. Giannelli

The Innocent Man, Paul C. Giannelli

Ohio Trial Objections, Paul C. Giannelli and Barbara R. Snyder


Tryst or Terrorists? Financial Institutions and the Search for Bad Guys, Richard K. Gordon

Public-Private Organization of Social Policy: A European Comparison, Brian K. Gran

The Rights of the Child, Brian K. Gran

Capitol Square Review & Advisory Board v. Pinette, B. Jessie Hill

McCreary County v. ACLU, B. Jessie Hill


Foreword: Sacred Violence: Religion and Terrorism, B. Jessie Hill and Adam F. Kinney

Assessing Competencies for Public Health Emergency Legal Preparedness, Sharona Hoffman


Settling the Matter: Does Title I of the ADA Work?, Sharona Hoffman

Title I of the ADA: What We Know and Don’t Know About Its Impact in the Workplace, Sharona Hoffman

Hylton v. United States, 3 U.S. 171 (1976), Erik M. Jensen


Indian Gaming on Newly Acquired Lands, Erik M. Jensen


Law School Attire: A Call for a Uniform Uniform Code, Erik M. Jensen

Life Tenure of Judges, Erik M. Jensen

Recent Developments Affecting Sales, Exchanges, and Basis, Erik M. Jensen

Sixteenth Amendment, Erik M. Jensen


Taxation and Doing Business in Indian Country, Erik M. Jensen

The US Legislative and Regulatory Approach to Tax Avoidance, Erik M. Jensen

Conceding Guilt, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal

Confidentiality and Wrongful Incarceration, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal

Counsel or Client -- Who's in Charge, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal

New Rules for Scientific and Exculpatory Evidence?, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal

Katz & Giannelli Ohio Criminal Laws and Rules, Lewis R. Katz and Paul C. Giannelli


Uncertainty, Reliance, Preliminary Negotiations and the Hold Up Problem, Juliet P. Kostritsky


Is Nominal Use An Answer to the Free Speech & Right of Publicity Quandary?: Lessons from America’s National Pastime, Raymond Shih Ray Ku

Land Use and Climate Change: Is it Time for a National Land Use Policy?, Catherine J. LaCroix


SEPAs, Climate Change, and Corporate Responsibility: The Contribution of Local Government, Catherine J. LaCroix


SEPAs, Climate Change, and Corporate Responsibility: The Contribution of Local Government, Catherine J. LaCroix

The Risks, Rewards, and Ethics of Client Media Campaigns in Criminal Cases, Kevin C. McMunigal

The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Antiaging Technologies, Maxwell J. Mehlman

Human Subjects Protections in Biomedical Enhancement Research: Assessing Risk and Benefit and Obtaining Informed Consent, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Jessica W. Berg


Can the Professor Come Out To Play? Scholarship, Teaching, and Theories of Play, John Mitchell, Anne M. Enquist, Bryan Lamar Adamson, Lisa Ellen Brodoff, Marilyn Berger, and Paula Lustbader

The Weights of Evidence, Dale A. Nance

The Law of Patents, Craig Allen Nard

The Law of Intellectual Property (4th ed.), Craig Allen Nard, David W. Barnes, and Michael J. Madison

Patent Law, Craig Allen Nard and R. Polk Wagner

Enemy of the State, Michael A. Newton and Michael P. Scharf

Judging Jury Verdicts, Cassandra Burke Robertson

Judicial Pay, Cassandra Burke Robertson


Sovereigns as Shareholders, Paul Rose


Sovereign Wealth Funds: Active or Passive Investors?, Paul Rose

The Theory and Practice of International Criminal Law, Leila Sadat and Michael P. Scharf

Aut Dedere Aut Judicare (Prosecute or Extradite), Michael P. Scharf


Tainted Provenance: When, if Ever, Should Torture Evidence Be Admissible, Michael P. Scharf


Forward: To Prevent and to Punish: An International Conference in Commemoration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Genocide Convention, Michael P. Scharf and Brianne M. Draffin


Introduction: Corporations and Their Communities, Robert N. Strassfeld


East Asia Institutionalizes: China, Japan and the Vogue for Free Trade, Timothy Webster


Reconstituting Japanese Law: International Norms and Domestic Litigation, Timothy Webster

’Author’/’Pirate’: Literary Theory in the Global Commerce in Ideas, Martha Woodmansee

From the Mayflower to the Border Patrols: Who Deserves Access to Health Care in the United States?, Ruqaiijah Yearby


Bus Bombings and a Baby's Custody: Insidious Victories for Terrorism in the Context of International Custody Disputes, Andrew Zashin

Submissions from 2007


Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 52(A) as an Ideological Weapon?, Bryan L. Adamson

Can the Golden State Catch a Greenhouse Waiver?, Jonathan H. Adler


Massachusetts v. EPA Heats Up Climate Policy No Less than Administrative Law: A Comment on Professors Watts and Wildermuth, Jonathan H. Adler

Once More, With Feeling: Reaffirming the Limits of Clean Water Act Jurisdiction, Jonathan H. Adler

Standing in the Hot-Seat: Climate Change Litigation, Jonathan H. Adler


Warming Up to Climate Change Litigation, Jonathan H. Adler

Parsing the Plagiary Scandals in History and Law, Arthur D. Austin

Of Elephants and Embryos: A Proposed Framework for Legal Personhood, Jessica Wilen Berg

Evidence: Cases and Materials, Kenneth S. Broun, Robert P. Mosteller, and Paul C. Giannelli


NAFTA's Double Standard of Review, Juscelino F. Colares


George A. Leet Business Law Symposium: Lawyers in the Crosshairs: The New Legal and Ethical Duties of Corporate Attorneys Introduction, George W. Dent

How Does Same-Sex Marriage Threaten You?, George W. Dent

Robert P. Lawry: Intellectual, Raconteur, Gentleman, and True Friend, Melvyn R. Durchslag


Robert P. Lawry: Colleague and Friend, Jonathan L. Entin


City Government and Predatory Lending, Jonathan L. Entin and Shadya Y. Yazback


The “Benefits” of Non-Delegation: Using the Non-delegation doctrine to bring Rigor to Benefit-Cost Analysis, Victor B. Flatt

An American Military Ethicist’s Perspective: Such Waste in Brief Mortality, Shannon E. French


Ron Coffey: The Thinker's Thinker, Peter M. Gerhart


The Tragedy of TRIPS, Peter M. Gerhart

Bench Notes & Lab Reports, Paul C. Giannelli


Bite Mark Analysis, Paul C. Giannelli

Bite Mark Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli


Brady and Jailhouse Snitches, Paul C. Giannelli

Confirmation Bias, Paul C. Giannelli


Daubert Challenges to Firearms (“Ballistics”) Identifications, Paul C. Giannelli

Firearms Identification (“Ballistics”), Paul C. Giannelli

Regulating Crime Laboratories: The Impact of DNA Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli

Scientific Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli and Edward J. Imwinkelried


Prosecutors, Ethics, and Expert Witnesses, Paul C. Giannelli and Kevin C. McMunigal


Introduction: Capitalizing on the Success of Entrepreneurship: IPOS, Private Sales, Tax Aspects, Residual Interest of Entrepreneurs after Sales of IPOS, Richard K. Gordon

Fundamentals of United States Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patent, and Trademark (2nd ed.), Sheldon W. Halpern, Craig Allen Nard, and Kenneth L. Port

Ohio School Law, Susan C. Hastings, Richard D. Manaloff, Michael L. Sharb, Timothy J. Sheeran, and Daniel A. Jaffe

Addressing Privacy Concerns Through the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule, Sharona Hoffman

Health Insecurity: The Vulnerability of Electronic Personal Health Information, Sharona Hoffman and Andy Podgurski


In Sickness, Health and Cyberspace: Protecting the Security of Electronic Private Health Information, Sharona Hoffman and Andy Podgurski

Securing the HIPAA Security Rule, Sharona Hoffman and Andy Podgurski

Campaign Pledges to Prosecute, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal

Implicit Plea Agreements and Brady Disclosure, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal

Prosecutorial Disclosure of Exculpatory Information During Plea Negotiations, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal

Prosecutorial Disclosure of Exculpatory Information in the Guilty Plea Context: Current Law, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal

Curbing the Dog: Extending the Protection of the Fourth Amendment to Police Drug Dogs, Lewis R. Katz

Drug Dogs and the Fourth Amendment, Lewis R. Katz


Plain Meaning vs. Broad Interpretation: How the Risk of Opportunism Defeats a Unitary Default Rule for Interpretation, Juliet P. Kostritsky


The Price of Wisdom is above Rubies - A Tribute to Ronald J. Coffey Case Western Reserve School of Law 1966-2007 (on his retirement), Juliet P. Kostritsky


F(r)ee Expression: Reconciling Copyright & the First Amendment, Raymond Shih Ray Ku


Promoting Diverse Cultural Expression: Lessons from the U.S. Copyright Wars, Raymond Shih Ray Ku