Submissions from 2007
The Moral Obligation of the Juror to the Law, Robert P. Lawry
Guilty Pleas, Brady Disclosure, and Wrongful Convictions, Kevin C. McMunigal
Prosecutors and Corrupt Science, Kevin C. McMunigal
Tribute to Professor Robert Lawry, Kevin C. McMunigal
Behavioral Genetics: Can We Prevent Crimes Before They Are Committed?, Maxwell J. Mehlman
"Medicover": A Proposal for National Health Insurance, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Medical Injustice: The Case Against 'Health Courts', Maxwell J. Mehlman and Dale A. Nance
Juries and Experts: Some Recent Data from Medical Malpractice Litigation, Dale A. Nance
The Inferential Arrow: A Comment on Interdisciplinary Conversation, Dale A. Nance
The Reference Class Problem and Mathematical Models of Inference, Dale A. Nance
Rethinking Patent Law’s Uniformity Principle, Craig Allen Nard and John F. Duffy
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, Jordan J. Paust, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Michael P. Scharf, Jimmy Gurule, Leila Sadat, and Bruce Zagaris
Evolving Standards & the Future of the DMCA Anticircumvention Rulemaking, Aaron K. Perzanowski
Sarbanes-Oxley and SEC Standards of Professional Conduct, Robert N. Rapp
Chaos in the Courtroom, Controlling Disruptive Defendants and Contumacious Counsel in War Crimes Trials, Michael P. Scharf
Forward: Lessons from the Saddam Trial, Michael P. Scharf
Jurisdiction with Respect to Crime: Universal Jurisdiction and the Harvard Research, Michael P. Scharf
Saddam Hussein on Trial: What Went Awry?, Michael P. Scharf
The Law of International Organizations: Problems and Materials, Michael P. Scharf
Trading Justice for Peace: The Contemporary Law and Policy Debate, Michael P. Scharf
On Terrorism and Whistleblowing, Michael P. Scharf and Colin T. McLaughlin
Lawn-O-Rama: The Commodification of Landscape in Postwar America, Theodore Steinberg
Babes with Arms: International Law and Child Soldiers, Timothy Webster
Bilateral Regionalism: Paradoxes of East Asian Integration, Timothy Webster
Striving for Equality, But Settling for the Status Quo in Health Care: Is Title VI More Illusory Than Real?, Ruqaiijah Yearby
Submissions from 2006
Conservation Cartels: How Competition Policy Conflicts with Environmental Protection, Jonathan H. Adler
Frank Meyer: The Fusionist as Federalist, Publius, Jonathan H. Adler
Free and Green: A New Approach to Environmental Protection, Jonathan H. Adler
Prosecuting Journalists Would be Unprecedented and Unwise, Jonathan H. Adler
Reckoning with Rapanos: Revisiting Waters of the United States and the Limits of Federal Wetland Regulation, Jonathan H. Adler
The Ducks Stop Here? The Environmental Challenge to Federalism, Jonathan H. Adler
The Green Costs of Kelo: Economic Development Takings and Environmental Protection, Jonathan H. Adler
When Is Two a Crowd: The Impact of Federal Action on State Environmental Regulation, Jonathan H. Adler
Genetics: Ethics , Law, and Policy, Lori B. Andrews, Maxwell J. Mehlman, and Mark A. Rothstein
Ivy League Price-Fixing: Conflict from the Intersection of Education and Commerce, Arthur D. Austin
A Qualified Defense of Legal Disclosure Requirements, Jessica Wilen Berg
Constructing Competence: Formulating Standards of Legal Competence to Make Medical Decisions, Jessica Wilen Berg
Ethics and E-Medicine, Jessica Wilen Berg
Smokescreen, Jessica Wilen Berg
Strange Bedfellows: Reflections on Bioethics’ Role in Disaster Response Planning, Jessica Wilen Berg
Understanding Waiver, Jessica Wilen Berg
Beyond Blue Chip: Issuer Standing to Seek Injunctive Relief Under Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 Without the Purchase or Sale of a Security, Eric C. Chaffee
The Evolving Domestic and International Law Against Foreign Corruption: Some New and Old Ethical Dilemmas Facing the International Lawyer, Juscelino F. Colares
While Congress Slept, Avidan Cover and Elisa Massimino
Civil Rights for Whom?: Gay Rights Versus Religious Freedom, George W. Dent
The Inevitability (and Desirability?) of Avoidance: A Response to Dean Kloppenberg, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Taxation, Compensation, and Judicial Independence, Jonathan L. Entin and Erik M. Jensen
Taxation, Compensation, and Judicial Independence: Hatter v. United States, Jonathan L. Entin and Erik M. Jensen
United States v. Hatter and the Taxation of Federal Judges, Jonathan L. Entin and Erik M. Jensen
Let Us Drink Our Fill: The History of Water and its Impact on Resource and Environmental Management, Victor B. Flatt
What is the Best Formula to Protect the Environment in Electricity Restructuring?, Victor B. Flatt
Death Stands Close Upon Us Now: Steven Pressfield’s Gates of Fire, Shannon E. French
The Parochial Nation-State and International Law, Peter M. Gerhart
Alchemy, Magic, and Forensic Science, Paul C. Giannelli
Analysis of Bullet Lead: A Cautionary Tale, Paul C. Giannelli
Closing Argument: Prosecution Misconduct, Paul C. Giannelli
Daubert Challenges to Fingerprints, Paul C. Giannelli
Houston! We Have a Problem!, Paul C. Giannelli
Joinder & Severance of Defendants, Paul C. Giannelli
Joinder & Severance of Offenses, Paul C. Giannelli
The Daubert Trilogy and the Law of Expert Testimony, Paul C. Giannelli
Understanding Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
Wrongful Convictions and Forensic Science: The Need to Regulate Crime Labs, Paul C. Giannelli
Daubert Challenges to Handwriting Comparisons, Paul C. Giannelli and Carin Cozza
Convicting the Guilty, Acquitting the Innocent: Recently Adopted ABA Policies, Paul C. Giannelli, Myrna S. Raeder, and Andrew E. Taslitz
User Choices and Regret: Understanding Users' Decision Process about Consensually Acquired Spyware, Nathaniel Good, Jens Grossklags, David Thaw, Aaron K. Perzanowski, Deirdre K. Mulligan, and Joseph Konstan
Carey v. Population Services International, B. Jessie Hill
Colautti v. Franklin, B. Jessie Hill
Planned Parenthood (“Nuremberg Files”) Litigation, B. Jessie Hill
Science, Politics, and Reproductive Rights Introduction, Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine - Introduction, B. Jessie Hill
The Constitutional Right to Make Medical Treatment Decisions: A Tale of Two Doctrines, B. Jessie Hill
Preplacement Examinations and Job-Relatedness: How to Enhance Privacy and Diminish Discrimination in the Workplace, Sharona Hoffman
Racially-Tailored’ Medicine Unraveled, Sharona Hoffman
Responders’ Responsibility: Liability and Immunity in Public Health Emergencies, Sharona Hoffman
Unmanaged Care: Should There be a Right to Health Care in the United States?, Sharona Hoffman
A Call for a New Buffalo Law Scholarship, Erik M. Jensen
A Day in the Life of S. Breckinridge Tushingham, Erik M. Jensen
American Indian Tribes and Secession, Erik M. Jensen
A Monologue on the Taxation of Business Gifts, Erik M. Jensen
Chickasaw Nation: Interpreting a Broken Statute, Erik M. Jensen
Commentary: The Extraordinary Revival of Dred Scott, Erik M. Jensen
Critical Theory and the Loneliness of the Tax Prof, Erik M. Jensen
Death by Bluebook, Erik M. Jensen
Hughes Properties and General Dynamics: The Supreme Court, the All Events Test, and the 1984 Tax Act, Erik M. Jensen
Interpreting the Sixteenth Amendment (By Way of the Direct-Tax Clauses), Erik M. Jensen
Law Review Correspondence: Better Read Than Dead?, Erik M. Jensen
Law Reviews and Academic Debate, Erik M. Jensen
Monroe G. McKay and American Indian Law: In Honor of Judge McKay’s Tenth Anniversary on the Federal Bench, Erik M. Jensen
Note, The Standard of Proof of Causation in Legal Malpractice Cases, Erik M. Jensen
Performance Scholarship and the Internal Revenue Code, Erik M. Jensen
Respect for Statutory Text Versus ‘Blithe Unconcern’: A Reply to Professor Coverdale, Erik M. Jensen
Taxation and the Constitution: How to Read the Direct-Tax Clauses, Erik M. Jensen
Taxation of Beards, Erik M. Jensen
Taxation, the Student Athlete, and the Professionalization of College Athletics, Erik M. Jensen
The Apportionment of ‘Direct Taxes’: Are Consumption Taxes Constitutional?, Erik M. Jensen
The Case for a Flat-Earth Law School, Erik M. Jensen
The Deduction of Future Liabilities by Accrual-Basis Taxpayers: Premature Accruals, the All Events Test, and Economic Performance, Erik M. Jensen
The Heroic Nature of Tax Lawyers, Erik M. Jensen
The Imaginary Connection Between the Great Law of Peace and the United States Constitution: A Reply to Professor Schaaf, Erik M. Jensen