Submissions from 2006
The Law Review Manuscript Glut: The Need for Guidelines, Erik M. Jensen
The Supreme Court and the Timing of Deductions for Accrual-Basis Taxpayers, Erik M. Jensen
The Taxing Power, the Sixteenth Amendment, and the Meaning of ‘Incomes,’, Erik M. Jensen
The Uneasy Justification for Special Treatment of Like-Kind Exchanges, Erik M. Jensen
The Unwritten Article, Erik M. Jensen
Tough on Scholarship, Erik M. Jensen
Unapportioned Direct-Consumption Taxes and the Sixteenth Amendment, Erik M. Jensen
Wheir’s the Beef?: Buffalo Law and Taxation, Erik M. Jensen
Client Autonomy and Choice of Counsel, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Corporate Privilege Waivers in Plea Negotiations, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Destroying Documents, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Lawyer Ethics and the Expanding Role of the Media in Criminal Cases, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
To Tape or not to Tape: Secret Recordings, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Illegal Contacts and Efficient Deterrence: A Study in Modern Contract Theory, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Judicial Incorporation of Trade Usages: A Functional Solution to the Opportunism Problem, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Taxonomy for Justifying Legal Intervention In An Imperfect World: What To Do When Parties Have Not Achieved Bargains Or Have Drafted Incomplete Contracts, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Copyright Lochnerism, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Cyberspace Law: Cases & Materials (2nd ed.), Raymond Shih Ray Ku and Jacqueline D. Lipton
Protecting Communities in Biomedical Research, Patricia A. Marshall and Jessica Wilen Berg
Using Graphics to Teach Evidence, Kevin C. McMunigal
Dishonest Medical Mistakes, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Promoting Fairness in the Medical Malpractice System, Maxwell J. Mehlman
The Shame of Medical Malpractice, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Doping in Sports and the Use of State Power, Maxwell J. Mehlman, Elizabeth Banger, and Matthew M. Wright
The Magnificence of the Disaster: Reconstructing the Sony BMG Rootkit Incident, Deirdre Mulligan and Aaron K. Perzanowski
Rules, Standards, and the Internal Point of View, Dale A. Nance
The Wisdom of Dallas County, Dale A. Nance
The Law of Intellectual Property, Craig Allen Nard, David W. Barnes, and Michael J. Madison
Constitutionalizing Patents: From Venice to Philadelphia, Craig Allen Nard and Andrew P. Morriss
Relative Access to Corrective Speech: A New Test for Requiring Actual Malice, Aaron K. Perzanowski
The Penumbral Public Domain: Constitutional Limits on Quasi-Copyright Legislation, Aaron K. Perzanowski
Appellate Review of Discovery Orders in Federal Court: A Suggested Approach for Handling Privilege Claims, Cassandra Burke Robertson
From the eXile Files: An Essay on Trading Justice for Peace, Michael P. Scharf
Self-Representation versus Assignment of Defense Counsel before International Criminal Tribunals, Michael P. Scharf
The Legacy of the Milosevic Trial, Michael P. Scharf
The Elephant in the Room: Torture and the War on Terror, Michael P. Scharf and Rory T. Hood
Saddam on Trial: Understanding and Debating the Iraqi High Tribunal, Michael P. Scharf and Gregory S. McNeal
Acts of God : The Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in America (2nd ed.), Theodore Steinberg
American Green : The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Lawn, Theodore Steinberg
Introduction: “Atrocious Judges” and “Odious” Courts Revisited, Robert N. Strassfeld
The Control of Avoidance: The United States Alternative, John Tiley and Erik M. Jensen
NOTE: Legal Excisions: The Rights of Foreigners in Japan, Timothy Webster
Note, Sisyphus in a Coal Mine: Responses to Slave Labor in Japan and the United States, Timothy Webster
A Right to No Meaningful Review Under the Due Process Clause: The Aftermath of Judicial Deference to the Federal Administrative Agencies, Ruqaiijah Yearby
Submissions from 2005
A Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy: It’s Neither Vast nor a Conspiracy, Jonathan H. Adler
Back to the Future of Conservation: Changing Perceptions of Property Rights & Environmental Protection, Jonathan H. Adler
Is Morrison Dead? Assessing a Supreme Drug (Law) Overdose, Jonathan H. Adler
Judicial Federalism and the Future of Federal Environmental Regulation, Jonathan H. Adler
Jurisdictional Mismatch in Environmental Federalism, Jonathan H. Adler
Looking Ahead to the 2005-06 Term (2005), Jonathan H. Adler
Adam Smith on the Inevitability of Price Fixing, Arthur D. Austin
Children and Placebos, Jessica Wilen Berg
Owning Persons: The Application of Property Theory to Embryos and Fetuses, Jessica Wilen Berg
Criminal Law: A Contemporary Approach: Cases, Statutes, and Problems, Kate E. Botkin and Kevin C. McMunigal
Sailing Toward Safe Harbor Hours: The Constitutionality of Regulating Television Violence, Eric C. Chaffee
Comment: The Case for Real Shareholder Democracy, George W. Dent
Corporate Governance: Still Broke, No Fix in Sight, George W. Dent
Race, Trust, Altruism, and Reciprocity, George W. Dent
The George A. Leet Business Law Symposium: Corporate Governance: Directors vs. Shareholders? - Introduction, George W. Dent
The Supreme Court and the Federalist Papers: Is There Less Here Than Meets the Eye?, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Being the Government Means (Almost) Never Having to Say You’re Sorry: The Sam Sheppard Case and the Meaning of Wrongful Imprisonment, Jonathan L. Entin
The Code of the Warrior, Shannon E. French
Tax Aspects of Marital Dissolution, Leon Gabinet and Harold G. Wren
Distributive Values and Institutional Design for the Global Commons, Peter M. Gerhart
Power and Preferences: Developing Countries and the Role of the WTO Appellate Body, Peter M. Gerhart and Archana Seema Kella
Daubert Revisited, Paul C. Giannelli
Fingerprints: Misidentifications, Paul C. Giannelli
Forensic Science, Paul C. Giannelli
Mitochondrial DNA, Paul C. Giannelli
Modus Operandi Experts, Paul C. Giannelli
The Consequences of Social Movement Actions and Preconditions: Opinions of Immigrant Assimilation among Local Polity Members in France, Brian K. Gran and Jeremy Hein
Sentencing Consistency: The Linchpin of Ohio’s Sentencing Reform, Burt W. Griffin and Lewis R. Katz
Putting Religious Symbolism in Context: A Linguistic Critique of the Endorsement Test, B. Jessie Hill
The Suitability of IRB Liability, Sharona Hoffman and Jessica Wilen Berg
Courtroom Criminal Evidence, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Paul C. Giannelli, Francis A. Giligan, and Fredric I. Lederer
Amendment XVI—Sixteenth Amendment, Erik M. Jensen
Article I, Section 2, Clause 3—Three-fifths Clause, Erik M. Jensen
Article I, Section 9, Clause 4—Direct Taxes, Erik M. Jensen
The Taxing Power: A Reference Guide to the U.S. Constitution, Erik M. Jensen
Are a Prosecutor's Responsibilities Special", Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Should Prosecutors Use Inconsistent Arguments?, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Why Should Prosecutors Seek Justice"?, Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal
Symposium - Incomplete Contracts: Judicial Responses, Transactional Planning, and Litigation Strategies - Introduction, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Grokking Grokster, Raymond Shih Ray Ku
Necessary pleadings, Robert P. Lawry
McElhaney's Trial Notebook, James W. McElhaney
The Law of Bleeding Kansas: A Selected Bibliography of Legal Documents from Pre-Statehood Kansas, 1803 – 1861, Robert Mead, Mon Yin Lung, and Joseph A. Custer
Genetic Enhancement: Plan Now to Act Later, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Hospital Liability for Physician Malpractice, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Malpractice Reforms: Are They Fair?, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Quackery, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Patent Policy Adrift in a Sea of Anecdote: A Reply to Lichtman, Michael J. Meurer and Craig Allen Nard
Two Concepts of Reliability, Dale A. Nance
Juror Understanding of DNA Evidence: An Empirical Assessment of Presentation Formats for Trace Evidence with a Relatively Small and Quantifiable Random Match Probability, Dale A. Nance and Scott B. Morris
Invention, Refinement and Patent Claim Scope: A New Perspective on the Doctrine of Equivalents, Craig Allen Nard
Prometheus Radio Project v. FCC: The Persistence of Scarcity, Aaron K. Perzanowski
Understanding Labor Law, Douglas E. Ray, Calvin Sharpe, and Robert N. Strassfeld
Balancing Public Market Benefits and Burdens for Smaller Companies Post-Sarbanes-Oxley, Paul Rose
Amnesty, Michael P. Scharf