"Foreword: Terrorism on Trial" by Michael P. Scharf and Amy E. Miller


While the Lockerbie approach is currently out of vogue, are there nonetheless lessons from Lockerbie that policy makers can draw on in determining how to best use law as a weapon against terrorism in the future? To explore this important and timely question, the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center assembled a group of high level United Nations officers, former U.S. government officials, noted prosecutors and defense counsel, and prominent journalists and scholars for a day-long symposium at Case Western Reserve University School of Law on October 8, 2004, entitled "Terrorism on Trial." The conference, which was cosponsored by the American Society of International Law, the American Branch of the International Law Association, and the International Association of Penal Law, consisted of five panels:

(1) "Use of Force Versus Use of Courts in the War on Terrorism";

(2) "Is Terrorism Worth Defining?"

(3) "Lessons Learned from the Pan Am 103 Bombing Trial";

(4) "Suing Terrorists in U.S. Court"; and

(5) "The Trials of al Qaeda: Federal Court Versus Military Commission."

This special two volume issue of the Case Journal of International Law contains twenty articles generated by this conference, which we believe make a significant contribution to the literature on the legal response to terrorism.


Lockerbie, Terrorism

Publication Date


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Publication Information

36 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 287 (2004)


COinS Michael P. Scharf Faculty Bio