Submissions from 1989
Impeachment of Witnesses: Part II, Paul C. Giannelli
U.S. Supreme Court: The 1988-1989 Term, Paul C. Giannelli
Stepping Out of the Morass of Duress Cases: A Suggested Policy Guide, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Looking Back at a Year of ADR, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Using ADR Contract Clauses, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Disclosure and Accuracy in the Guilty Plea Process, Kevin C. McMunigal
Age-Based Rationing and Technological Development, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Judicial Misuses of the Word Fraud to Defeat the Parol Evidence Rule and the Statute of Frauds, Morris G. Shanker
Why the Bankruptcy Course Ought to Be Mandatory, Morris G. Shanker
The Final Authority Analysis: A Unified Approach to Municipal Liability Under Section 1983, Barbara R. Snyder
Submissions from 1988
Anitrust Reaction to the Merger Wave: The Revolution vs. The Counterrevolution, Arthur D. Austin
The Power of the Professional Person, Robert W. Clarke and Robert P. Lawry
Firm Opportunities: Property Right Assignments, Firm Detriment, and the Agent’s Performance Obligation, Ronald John Coffey
Religious Children, Secular Schools, George W. Dent
Misuse of Separation of Powers Theory in Cases Outside the System of Freedom of Expression, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Psychiatry, Insanity, and the Death Penalty: A Note on Implementing Supreme Court Decisions, Jonathan L. Entin
The Law Professor as Advocate, Jonathan L. Entin
Procedure For Admitting and Excluding Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
Self-Defense, Paul C. Giannelli
Syndrome Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
The Admissibility of Laboratory Reports in Criminal Trials: The Reliability of Scientific Proof, Paul C. Giannelli
U.S. Supreme Court: The 1987-88 Term (Part I), Paul C. Giannelli
U.S. Supreme Court: The 1987-88 Term (Part II), Paul C. Giannelli
The Ethics of Teaching and Practicing Intubation Techniques on Newly-Expired Patients, George A. Kanoti, James P. Orlowski, and Maxwell J. Mehlman
Companies Make Commitment to ADR, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Recognizing ADR Opportunities, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
You'll Find ADR Everywhere, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
A Social and Institutional History of the German Bar in Private Practice, 1878-1930, Kenneth F. Ledford
The Best Evidence Principle, Dale A. Nance
Foreign Courts on Trial: Why U.S. Courts Should Avoid Applying the Inquiry Provision of the Supplementary U.S. - U.K. Extradition Treaty, Michael P. Scharf
Introduction: Symposium: An Oral History of the National War Labor Board and Critical Issues In the Development of Modern Grievance Arbitration, Calvin W. Sharpe
Due Process Analysis of the Impeachment Use of Silence in Criminal Trials, Barbara R. Snyder
Submissions from 1987
Introduction, Individual Liberties Within the Body of the Constitution: A Symposium, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Privacy, Emotional Distress, and the Limits of Libel Law Reform, Jonathan L. Entin
The Removal Power and the Federal Deficit: Form, Substance, and Administrative Independence, Jonathan L. Entin
Eyewitness Identifications and Expert Testimony, Paul C. Giannelli
“Syndrome” Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
U.S. Supreme Court: The 1986-87 Term (Part I), Paul C. Giannelli
U.S. Supreme Court: The 1986-87 Term (Part II), Paul C. Giannelli
Courtroom Criminal Evidence, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Paul C. Giannelli, Francis A. Giligan, and Fredric I. Lederer
The Portable John Tiley, Erik M. Jensen
A New Theory of Assent-Based Liability Emerging Under the Guise of Promissory Estoppel: An Explanation and Defense, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Preparing the Client for Successful Negotiation,, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
The Divorce Interview as Preparation for Mediation or Negotiation, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
McElhaney's Trial Notebook, James W. McElhaney
Encouraging Donation of Organs for Transplantation by Requiring Request, Maxwell J. Mehlman
Construction Defect Claims, James N. Rhoads, Stephen H. Morirty, Samdra C. Otters, and Lisa (McFadden) Wood
A Bankruptcy Superfund for Some Super Creditors: From Ohio to Midatlantic and Beyond, Morris G. Shanker
Insuring Payment to Contingent and Unidentified Creditors in Bankruptcy, Morris G. Shanker
The American Experience on Harmonization (Uniformity) of State Laws, Morris G. Shanker
The Seller's Contractual Obligation Under U.C.C. 2-313 to Tell the Truth (A Post Dcript and Concurring Comments to Professor Heckman's Sales Warranty Article), Morris G. Shanker
NRB Deferral to Grievance-Arbitration: A General Theory, Calvin W. Sharpe
Fact-Finding in Ohio: Advancing The Role Of Rationality In Public Sector Collective Bargaining, Calvin W. Sharpe and Linda E. Tawil
Self Psychology and American Culture, Theodore Steinberg
Tax Aspects of Marital Dissolution, Harold G. Wren, Leon Gabinet, and David Clayton Carrad
Submissions from 1986
Dual Class Capitalization: A Reply to Professor Seligman, George W. Dent
Introduction: Financial Regulation Under the Glass-Steagall Act: Debate and Resolution, George W. Dent
Unprofitable Mergers: Toward a Market-Based Legal Response, George W. Dent
Sweatt v. Painter, the End of Segregation, and the Transformation of Education Law, Jonathan L. Entin
Section 1041: The High Price of Quick Fix Reforem in Taxation of Interspousal Transfers, Leon Gabinet
Bite Mark Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
Insanity and Related Issues, Paul C. Giannelli
Ohio Rules of Evidence Handbook, Paul C. Giannelli
Scientific Evidence: A Proposed Amendment to Federal Rule 702, Paul C. Giannelli
The Law of Confessions: Part I, Paul C. Giannelli
The Law of Confessions: Part II, Paul C. Giannelli
U.S. Supreme Court: The 1985-1986 Term, Paul C. Giannelli
Scientific Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli and Edward J. Imwinkelried
Taxation and the Professionalization of College Athletics, Erik M. Jensen
Litigation Ethics: Perjury and Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, Robert P. Lawry
A Comment on the Supposed Paradoxes of a Mathematical Interpretation of the Logic of Trials, Dale A. Nance
An Ecological Perspective on the Origins of Industrialization, Theodore Steinberg
Submissions from 1985
SEC Rule 14a-8: A Study in Regulatory Failure, George W. Dent
Constraints on Equal Access to Fundamental Liberties: Another Look At Professor Michelman's Theory of Minimum Protection, Melvyn R. Durchslag
Expert Testimony, Paul C. Giannelli
Firearms and Toolmark Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
Polygraph and Deception Tests, Paul C. Giannelli
Polygraph and Deception Tests: Part II, Paul C. Giannelli
Transfer of Jurisdiction from the Juvenile Court, Paul C. Giannelli
The United States Supreme Court: The 1984-1985 Term, Lewis R. Katz
Ohio Juvenile Law, William A. Kurtz and Paul C. Giannelli
Litigation Ethics: Solicitation by Mail, Robert P. Lawry
Commentary, The Dangers of Refom: A Comment on Senator Chiles' Position on PACs, Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Legal Theory and the Pivotal Role of the Concept of Coercion, Dale A. Nance
Introduction The Legal Aspects of Sectoral Integration between the United States and Canada, Sidney Picker
Rebuttal to Professor Fry's Reply: A Continuing Dialogue, Morris G. Shanker
The Effect of the 1984 Bankrupcy Code Amendments on Contracts, Morris G. Shanker
The Folly of Full Settlement Checks - and a Declaration of Their Independence, Morris G. Shanker
What every Lawyer Should Know About the Law of Fraudulent Transfers, Morris G. Shanker
Impeachment In Administrative Cases, Calvin W. Sharpe
Proof of Non-Interest in Representation Disputes: A Burden without Reason, Calvin W. Sharpe
The Ohio Public Sector Collective Bargaining Law: First Anniversary Colloquium, Calvin W. Sharpe
Submissions from 1984
Admissibility of Laboratory Reports, Paul C. Giannelli
Depositions in Criminal Practice, Paul C. Giannelli
Impeachment Exception to Exclusionary Rule, Paul C. Giannelli
Observations on Discovery of Scientific Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
“Other Acts” Evidence, Paul C. Giannelli
U.S. Supreme Court: The 1983-84 Term, Paul C. Giannelli
Good Faith Exception to the Exclusionary Rule, Lewis R. Katz
Ohio's New Drunk Driving Law: A Halfhearted Experiment in Deterrence, Lewis R. Katz and Robert D. Sweeney