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In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Professor Charles J. Kerester
- Professor Sarcevic Goes to Washington
- Gerald Korngold, The Conflict Between Community Associations and Individual Owners
- Jonathan L. Entin, A Year at the Federal Judicial Center
- Dean Bill Leatherberry
- Two U.S. Congressmen (Hoke and Diaz-Balart)
- A Centennial Weaving
- Update on the Haitian Asylum Project
- Calvin William Sharpe, Seminars on Teaching
- 1992 Alumni Weekend
- 1992 Alumni Awards
- New Alumni Leadership
- New on Staff
- Canada/U.S. Law Conference
- International Visitors
- Faculty Notes
- Students Win Prizes in Indian Law
- Development Notes
- A Note on Deferred Giving
- Alumni Publications
- Class Notes
- 1993 Alumni Weekend
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Rebecca S. Dresser, Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment...
- Law-Medicine Center Spring Programs
- The Health Law Clinic
- Maxwell J. Mehlman, AIDS, Health Care Workers, and the Search for Safety
- Bob Murray, '61: A Success Story
- Second-Career Students
- Admissions Statistics
- Karen Nelson Moore, Teacching at Harvard: An Integrated Approach to the First Year
- The Dean's Round Table
- 1991 Alumni Weekend
- Class Reunions
- 1991 Alumni Awards
- Faculty Notes
- Eight Join Alumni Board
- Canada/U.S. Law Conference
- Sidney Picker, Jr., News from the Newest Center
- More on the Centennial Service Project
- Sugarman Tax Lecture
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Law Students Help Haitians
- CWRU Law School Scores A Coup
- The Law Review's Forefather
- Classmates Win Teaching Awards
- Primi inter Pares
- The DuPont Adventure
- A Singular Phenomenon
- Kenneth R. Margolis '76, Project: The Delivery of Legal Services
- Petar Sarcevic John D. Drinko-Baker & Hostetler Visiting Professor
- Visitors to the School of Law
- Still More on DNA Testing
- Annual Fund
- Campaign Notes
- News from the Moot Courtroom
- Client Counseling Competition
- Sharing Good Ideas
- Alumni Awards--Suggestions Welcome
- 1992 Law Alumni Weekend
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- A New Alumni Directory
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
- Index, Jan./May/Sept., 1992
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Arthur D. Austin II, Narrative Writing as Legal Scholarlship: An Interview with Derrick Bell
- Editors of the Journals
- Helping Haitians Seeking Asylum
- Commencement 1992
- Alumni Weekend Fast Approaches!
- Class of 1992 Placement Report
- 1992 Dunmore Results
- Obiter Dicta
- Annual Fund Goals: $640,000 and 100%
- Campaign Notes
- Two New Faculty (Morriss and Wagner)
- Sidney Picker, Jr. ILC Update
- Working with CEELI: One Lawyer's International Initiaitve
- Return of the Adjuncts
- Six New Benchers
- Alumni Publications?
- A Law Review Symposium
- A Conference on U.S./Japan Transactions
- Faculty Notes
- Mary Kay Kantz, Speech Training for Law Students
- Class Notes
- In Memroiam
- Missing Persons
- Continuing Legal Education
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- Celebrating the Centennial
- The Dean Reports: The Gund Foundation International Law Center
- Lewis R. Katz, Refining Fourth Amendment Protection
- Co-Authors Lewis Katz and Jay Shapiro
- Focus on Capitol Hill
- Another Conference of Federal Judges
- Alexander Capron, Schroeder Scholar
- David B. Webster, '89, An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Fees
- Client Counseling Competition
- New York Times Cites Giannelli: "A Fist on the Scale of Justice"
- Centennial Initiative Campaign
- More Trophies (Moot Court and Mock Trial)
- News of CLE
- 1991 Alumni Weekend
- Escape from Kuwait
- Faculty Notes
- A Lawyer Turned Artist
- Good News of Endowments
- Annual Fund Grows Toward Goal
- Class Notes
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- In Memoriam
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Centennial Initiative Campaign
- Edward A. Dauer, The Schooling of Preventive Law
- Preventing Mass Torts Cases (and if that Fails, try ADR)
- Top Law Schools: CWRU Included
- 1990 Graduate Wins National Prize
- 1990 Alumni Weekend
- Class Reunions
- 1990 Alumni Awards
- Public Interest Fellowship Honors Saul Biskind '31
- Barbara White Joins Development Staff
- CWRU Hosts Minority Job Fair
- Calling All Alumni: Career Planning Needs Your Help
- Using the Alumni Network
- Canada/U.S. Law Conference
- Kathleen Carrick, CWRU + MDC = A Grand Success
- Computer Room Gets a Name
- Visitors to the Law School
- Faculty Notes
- The C. B. King Legacy -- Addendum
- Journals Name Editors
- Class Notes
- Alumni Association Elects New Officers
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- In Memoriam
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Jonathan L. Entin, Property Meets Con Law in Prince Edward County
- Student Note Gains National Notice
- The Law Annual Fund: An End and a Beginning
- James R. Wooley, '82, A Response to the New York Times (More on Forensic DNA Typing)
- Professor Giannelli Replies
- Memories and Memorabilia
- Centennial Service Project -- Early Returns
- Law Alumni Weekend -- Last Call!
- Commencement 1991
- Class of 1991 Placement Roster
- Harodl J. Krent, Visiting Professor
- New Benchers Elected
- Two Programs on Professionalism (Students; Attorneys)
- Poems by Bob Lawry
- A New Associate Dean (Sharpe)
- Faculty Notes
- Journals Name Editors
- News of Moot Court
- Good-bye, Ruthie!
- Who Passes the Bar Exam?
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Jonathan L. Entin, Psychiatry, Insanity, and the Death Penalty
- Focus on Denver
- Joseph L. Sax, Thinking Ecologically: Step One for Lawyers
- The Week of the Federal Judges
- Admission Notes
- Professor Hugh Ross Retires
- 1989 Alumni Weekend
- 1989 Alumni Awards
- 1989 Class Reunions
- A Sugarman Tax Lecture
- Howard M. Friedman Visiting Professor
- Clinic Adds 2 Courses, 1 Instructor (McKinney)
- Placement/Career Planning: New Directions
- Debra Fink New Associate Director
- Robin Meinzer Joins Development Staff
- David Brennan Challenges Annual Fund Contributors
- Canada/U.S. Law Conference
- Faculty Notes
- Better, Earlier Settlements Through Economic Leverage by Philip J. Hermann, '42
- Carol Ebbinghouse, Progress Toward the Future
- To Access the Cleveland Freenet
- Mary Kay Kantz, Update on RAW
- SBA Leaders
- What SPILF Made Possible
- Introducing the Editors
- Moot Court Report
- Class Notes
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- An Omission from the Alumni Directory (Barbara Goldberg Rosman); A Note of Acknowledgment
- Maxwell J. Mehlman, Underservice: The Patient's Perspective
- About Professor Mehlman
- Erik N. Jensen, A Call for New Buffalo Scholarship
- BLSA News
- Sidney Picker, Jr., Remembering Sidney Jacoby
- Book Review: Nan Aron's Liberty and Justice for All
- 1990 Alumni Weekend
- Visitors to the Law School
- Two New Endowment Funds (McCurdy and Colbert)
- 1990 Annual Fund -- Close to the Top!
- CLE Offerings
- Client Counseling Competition
- Mock Trial & Moot Court Our Students Do Us Proud!
- Faculty Notes
- Five Faculty Promotions
- Class Notes
- Law Alumni Association
- Missing Persons
- In Memoriam
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Catherine Cover Retires as Dean's Assistant
- George W. Dent, Jr., The "Eclipse of the Public Corporation" and the Future of Corporate Finance
- Focus on Albany, Georgia
- 1990 Commencement
- Class of 1990 Placement
- Jennifer M. Russell Faculty Visitor
- Whatever happened to... William B. Lawrence 1970 Student of the Year
- Society of Benchers Elects New Members
- Supreme Court Comes to CWRU -- Electronically
- Symposium: The Right to Privacy
- Spencer Neth, New Patches in the Seamless Web of Law
- The Dunmore Awards
- Law Alumni Weekend
- Let's Hear it for the Annual Fund!
- Faculty Notes
- In Memoriam
- Class Notes
- Law Alumni Association
- Missing Persons
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Michael Grossberg, Recovering Rights Consciousness
- The Law School Clinic -- A Chronology
- Peter A. Joy, The Clinic Experience
- Clinic Alumni Look Back
- Whatever Happened to... William W. Falsgraf 1958 Student of the Year
- John H. Wilharm, Jr. 1960 Student of the Year
- Gary L. Bryenton 1965 Student of the Year
- Richard H. Bamberger 1972 Student of the Year
- LAW 387: The French Judicial and Legal System
- A CLE Program for Federal Judges
- Mock Trial
- New Alumni Directory
- Moot Court
- Client Counseling Competition
- Faculty Workshops
- Faculty Notes
- CWRU Law Faculty Threatens Takeover of AALS
- 1989 Alumni Weekend
- We're Proud of Our Journals
- Panels Discuss Law Practice(s)
- Sustaining the Vision (Law School Annual Fund)
- The Susan E. Frankel Memorial Fund
- Law Grads Boost CWRU Alumni Profile
- CLE News
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- Giovanni Bognetti, Judicial Review: An American Institution that has Spread through the World
- William P. Marshall, About Professor Bognetti
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, '68 Looking Back on Legal Services
- Focus on Legal Services
- More in Legal Services
- Good-bye, Mary Bohurjak!
- Library Staff News
- New on the Staff
- CWRU Names Assistant Director for Alumni and Parent Relations
- 1988 Alumni Weekend
- 1988 Alumni Awards
- Two Donors Honored at Open House
- New Alumni Officers
- Canada/U.S. Law Conference
- Adelstein Scholar in Residence
- JoAnne Urban Jackson, A Strategic Plan for CLE
- Visitors to the Law School
- CWRU Standa Out in National Law Firm Hiring
- News of Admissions
- A New Alumni Directory
- New Book Lists Faculty Publications
- Minority Recruitment Conference
- Journals Name Editors
- Fall Telethon Tops $155,000
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Alumni Tours
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Carol Ebbinghouse, The Future Is Now A Guided Tour of the Library
- Carol Ebbinghouse, A Day in the Life (of Student, Attorney, and Network)
- Kathleen Carrick, Endowment makes the Difference
- New Prof Challenges Library (Dresser)
- Christine Corcos, Library Staff -- Latest Developments
- Kathleen M. Carrick, Have You Met Ernie?
- JoAnne Urban Jackson Named Associate Dean
- Law Alumni Weekend
- Whatever happened to... Ruth Wieder Woodling 1972 Student of the Year
- A Visiting Professor (Dent)
- Alumni Directory Update
- 1989 Commencement
- Judge Charles R. Richey, '48, The Commencement Address (An Excerpt)
- Class of 1989 Placement Report
- 1990 Annual Fund A Message from the Chairman
- Benchers Elect New Members
- 1989 Dean Dunmore Competition
- Leading the ADR Bandwagon
- Visitors to the Law School
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, A Nose Named Hedy Lamarr
- A New Professorial Chair (John Deaver Drink--Baker & Hostetler Chair)
- The Green Visiting Professorship
- Clinic Wins Legal Aid Award
- Faculty Notes
- Class Notes
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Deans Reports
- Lewis R. Katz, Reflections on a Grand Jury
- Focus on San Francisco
- Kellogg Award (John F. Harris)
- Whatever Happened to... Ellen Lake (Cummings) 1970 Student of the Year
- Conferences (Alternative Dispute Resolution and Hospital Ethics)
- Robert P. Lawry, Media Ethics
- Coming Up: Canada/U.S. Competitiveness
- Mandel Center Opens New Program
- Mock Trial News
- The Hergenröeder Fund
- Minority Recruitment Conference
- Phlegm Snopes Returns
- Moot Court Beats Law Review
- Kathleen Carrick, Library Adds Staff
- Mary McLoughlin, 1926-1987
- McElhaney's Notebook: New and Improved
- A New Giannelli Book
- Books by Our Graduates
- 1987 Alumni Awards John V. Corrigan, '48 Fletcher Reed Andrews Graduate of the Year
- Kurt Karakul, '79 Distinugished Recent Graduate
- Arthur D. Austin II Distinguished Teacher
- Arthur D. Austin II, Some Thoughts on Legal Scholarship
- A Correction
- 1987 Law Alumni Weekend
- We're Off and Running! (Law Alumni Annual Fund)
- CLE News
- Visitors to the Law School
- Law Alumni Association Elects Leadership
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Attention Cleveland Women
- University Alumni Events
- Alumni Tours
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Faculty Reports
- Focus on Miami
- Law Review Honors Thomas I. Emerson
- Mary Davis, '88, Life in Another World
- Durchslag Named Associate Dean
- Susan Ellen Frankel, '81 1951-1988
- Roger I. Abrams, For Susan (poem)
- Visitors to the Law School
- CWRU Law Grad Chairs NLRB (Stephens, '71)
- Good-bye, Professor Snyder!
- 1988 Commencement
- Moot Court Report
- Will We Make Our Goal? (Alumni Annual Fund)
- Hats Off to the Volunteers (1988 Alumni Annual Fund)
- 1988 Alumni Weekend
- Kenneth R. Margolis, New Ohio Rules Mean Bigger CLE Program
- Long-Lost Graduates -- Can You Help Us?
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Alumni Tours
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Richard A. Booth, The Paradoxes of Insider Trading
- Melvyn R. Durchslag, The Relevance of Law School -- An Outsider Looks Inward
- Focus on Philadelphia
- Good-bye, Mrs T-- and Thanks!
- Ronald J. Coffey, The Legal Academic Work Station
- New on the Faculty: Rebecca Susan Dresser, Robert N. Strassfeld, Peter Levine
- New on the Staff: Barbara F. Andelman, Adrienne Potts
- 1989 Annual Fund Kicks Off
- Commencement 1988
- Order of the Coif and Order of the Barristers
- Class of 1988 Placement Report
- The Placement Picture
- Client Counseling Competition
- Society of Benchers Adds Seven
- SBA Elects Officers
- Calvin W. Sharpe, Labor Symposium
- Conference on Nonprofits
- Law-Medicine Conference
- Health Law Grads Shine in Chicago
- 1988 Dunmore Results
- CLE Fall Programs
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
- In Brief Index, 1982
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Richard A. Posner, Legal Formalism, Legal Realism, and the Interpretation of Statutesand the Constitution -- Excerpts
- Peter Junger, A Fox Interprets the Hedgehog
- Erik M. Jensen, The Portable John Tiley
- John Tiley, Two Nations Divided by a Common Law
- An Insider Looks at Tax Reform
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, Focus on Academe
- 20 Years of Library Service (Brazynetz)
- The Year of the Presidents: A Retrospective
- Whatever Happened to... Richard E. Guster 1955 Student of the Year
- 1986 Distinguished Recent Graduate James R. Strawn, '76
- The Class of 1989
- Moot Court Trounces Law Review
- The Canada-U.S. Exchange Program: A Student's Perspective
- BLSA Activities
- Forsan et Haec Olim Meminisse Juvabit
- 1986 Law Alumni Weekend
- New Alumni Officers
- New Development Director
- Journal Editors
- What We Learned from Alumni Directory
- University Alumni Census
- Visitors to the Law School
- Alumni Annual Fund: We Need Your Help!
- New Endowment Funds
- Anniversary Class Gifts
- CLE News
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- Table of Contents
- The Dean Reports
- Richard A. Booth, Junk Bonds, Dividends, and Shareholder Preferences
- Cartoons by Booth
- Duncan McLean Kennedy, In Favor of the Warranty of Habitability
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, Focus on Los Angeles
- Whatever Happened to... Alan I. Arnold 1961 Student of the Year
- 1987 Law Alumni Weekend
- Regional Alumni Events
- Bequests Build Endowment
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Alumni Tours
- Missing People
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
- And Whatever Happened to... Robert Sheahen 1969 Student of the Year
- Angela Birch Cox, '87, Five Black Graduates
- Robert C. Davis, Roscoe Pound, Felix Frankfurter, and Criminal Justice in Cleveland
- More Honors for Ollie
- Arthur Miller to Speak at Commencement
- J. Roger Jewitt, '15 Our Most Senior Graduate
- A Backward Glance from the Exit
- Mock Trial Competition
- Moot Court Competitions
- Client Counseling Competition
- BLSA News
- Two New Books by Our Faculty
- CLE News
- Placement News
- Clinic News
- Law Review Offers Special Issue
- Irene Tenebaum (aka Mrs. T's) Envelopes
- On the Serving of Law Suits
- Canada-U.S. Conference
- 1987 Alumni Annual Fund Nearing the Goal!
- Class Agents
- Alumni Awards
- Students Launch Summer Fellowships
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Laura B. Chisolm, Advocacy as Charity: Redesigning the Limitations on Lobbying by Tax-Exempt Organizations
- Agnar Pytte President of the University
- Edward A. Mearns, Jr., New for Undergraduates: University Programs
- Kathleen Carrick, EUCLID Links the Libraries
- Spencer Neth, Reflections on University Service
- Visitors to the Law School
- The Dual-Degree Programs: JD/MBA and JD/MSASS
- Maxwell Mehlman, The Law-Medicine Center
- Robery P. Lawry, CPE: The Center for Professional Ethics
- 'Doing History' in a Comparative Model
- Attorneys for the University
- Alumni Relations -- a New University Emphasis
- Commencement 1987
- Order of the Coif, Order of the Barristers
- Class of 1987 Placement Report
- Benchers Elect New Members
- Focus on Detroit
- New on the Faculty: Professor Gerald Korngold
- Jane I. Rolnick, '84, RAW Instructor
- Paul Giannelli Named Weatherhead Professor
- Peter A. Joy, Ruthie Marks 10 Years
- At Last: Dunmore Results
- Moot Court Board Names Leaders
- SBA Plans Busy Year
- Journals Name Editors
- 1987 Law Alumni
- Gund Hall Absorbs Former Exiles
- 1988 Alumni Annual Fund A Message from the Chairman
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Alumni Tours
- Fall Term CLE Courses
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports (Peter M. Gerhart)
- Erik M. Jensen, Taxation and the Professionalization of College Athletics
- New Faculty (Gerhart, Booth, McMunigal, Myers and Murphy)
- Mrs. T
- Focus on Cincinnati
- Centers Host Conferences (Canada-U.S. Law Institute and Law-Medicine Center)
- From Law to Business: Some Who Took the Leap
- Society of Benchers
- Alumni Travel
- Alumni Directory Update
- Commencement 1986
- Order of the Coif
- 1986 Placement Report
- New Placement Director
- Visitors to the Law School
- Kathleen Carrick, Changes in the Law Library
- Roscoe Pound Exhibit
- 1986 Alumni Weekend
- The Brennan Chair
- 1987 Alumni Annual Fund
- New Annual Fund Coordinator
- CLE News
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- John Tiley, U.S. Tax Reform: An Alien Being's View
- Oliver C. Schroeder, Jr., Ernest Gelhorn: Some Reflections from a Colleague
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, Happy Birthday, Admiral!
- A Collection of Schroederisms
- Edward A. Mearns, Jr., On Dean Emeritus Lindsay Cowen
- Susan E. Frankel, '81, A Labor of Love
- Placement Director Resigns
- Focus on the Small Town
- Down Memory Lane: CWRU Law School 1946 Revisited
- Sidney Picker, Jr., Study Leave in Australia Or; How I Spent My Spring, Summer, and Fall Vacation
- 1985 Distinguished Recent Graduate: Edward G. Kramer, '75
- A Correction
- Phlegm Snopes Basketball Tournament
- Trustees Grant Retroactive J.D. Degree
- A New Alumni Directory
- Ethics Conference
- Ault Competition: The Second Year
- News of Mock Trial
- Visiting Lecturers (including the Chief Justice)
- September Class Reunions (and a Law School Clinic 10th-Anniversary Celebration)
- 1986 Alumni Annual Fund: We're Riding a Winner!
- Alumni Association Adds Regional VPs
- Report of the Curriculum Committee to the Faculty on the First-Year Curriculum
- Moot Court Teams
- Client Counseling Competition
- Dean Dunmore Competition
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- Dean Resigns, Search Begins
- Happy Birthday to Ollie
- Author! Author!
- The Dean Reports
- William P. Marshall, Discrimination and the Right of Association
- Chief Justice Will Visit in February
- Focus on Texas
- Morris B. Shanker, The Folly of Full Settlements Checks -- a Declaration of Their Independence
- A New Award
- Whatever happened to... Gilda F. Spears 1976 Student of the Year
- To Be Young, Female, and a Lawyer -- A Continuation
- Kimm A. Walton, Law in a Flash
- Brian Deveau, '87, In Judge Swygert's Chambers Or; How I Spent My Summer Vacation
- Kellogg Award (Angela Birch Cox)
- Merit Scholarship -- A New Sponsor
- 1985 Report of Giving
- Susan E. Frankel, '81, Class of 1988
- A Group of First-Year Women
- Staff Changes
- Peter A. Joy, CWRU and Section 1983
- Visitors to the Law School
- Two April Conferences(Canada-U.S. Conference and Law-Medicine Conference
- Supreme Court Case Re-Argued Here
- Faculty Publications
- Regional Alumni Events Fall 1985
- Alumni Elections
- Alumni Annual Fund Off to a Great Start
- Alumni Weekend 1985
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- Report on the Faculty
- Charles Norchi,'86, Post 1-L Reflections in Africa and Europe Or: How I Spent My Summer Vacation
- Phlegm Snopes and the Cavaliers
- Karen Nelson Moore, Appellate Review of Judicial Disqualification Decisions in the Federal Courts
- Focus on Washington
- Mearns a VP
- Labor Symposium
- Visitors to the Law School
- Merit Scholars Dinner
- The Class of 1987
- A Group of Black Students
- Kathleen Carrick, The New RAW Program
- Library Addition
- Comparative Corporation Law Canada-U.S. Institute Sponsors Seminal Conference
- Kenneth Walton Receives Kellogg Award
- Whatever Happened to ... William C. Phillippi 1974 Student of the Year
- CLE News
- Law School Recognizes Contributors
- Summer and Fall Regional Alumni Events
- Alumni Weekend 1984
- The 1985 Alumni Annual Fund A Mid-Year Report
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Peter D. Junger, A Dialog Concerning the Delivery of Gifts
- Two Bar Presidents
- The Law School Clinic: A Success Story
- Jonathan L. Entin, Desegregating the American Law School: The Road to Brown
- Focus on Pittsburgh
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, The Law School's Computer Revolution
- Commencement 1985
- Placement Report: Good News Continues
- An Addition to the Faculty: William P. Marshall
- Whatever happened to... William B. Goldfarb 1956 Student of the Year
- Society of Benchers
- Admissions Report -- We're Holding Our Own
- Journals Name Editors
- Law Review Banquet
- Sectoral Integration Conference (Canada-U.S. Law Institute)
- Calvin W. Sharpe, A First-Anniversary Colloquium
- Development Council
- Class of 1935 50-Year Reunion
- Race Judicata
- The 1986 Alumni Annual Fund
- Alumni Weekend
- Board of Governors Adds 9
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- CWRU Law Alumni Association
- Upcoming CLE Courses
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Kathryn Sords Mercer, Confessions of a Moot Court Junkie
- Moot Court: A Bit of History
- The Ault Fund and the Family
- Client Counseling Competition
- Law School Hosts BLSA
- Mock Trial
- Phlegm Snopes Basketball Tournament
- Commencement Day -- May 22, 1985
- Gail Richardson, The Front Four
- Former Faculty: Where Are They Now?
- Whatever happened to...Maury E. Lederman 1975 Student of the Year
- Focus on Boston
- Chester S. Weinerman, '71, Last Supper at Ann's (poem)
- Labor Law Symposium
- The Visiting Committee
- Racing for the Goal and Beyond? (A Report on the Alumni Annual Fund)
- 1985 Alumni Weekend
- Alumni Awards Nominations Welcome!
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Continuing Legal Education