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Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- Dean Resigns, Search Begins
- Happy Birthday to Ollie
- Author! Author!
- The Dean Reports
- William P. Marshall, Discrimination and the Right of Association
- Chief Justice Will Visit in February
- Focus on Texas
- Morris B. Shanker, The Folly of Full Settlements Checks -- a Declaration of Their Independence
- A New Award
- Whatever happened to... Gilda F. Spears 1976 Student of the Year
- To Be Young, Female, and a Lawyer -- A Continuation
- Kimm A. Walton, Law in a Flash
- Brian Deveau, '87, In Judge Swygert's Chambers Or; How I Spent My Summer Vacation
- Kellogg Award (Angela Birch Cox)
- Merit Scholarship -- A New Sponsor
- 1985 Report of Giving
- Susan E. Frankel, '81, Class of 1988
- A Group of First-Year Women
- Staff Changes
- Peter A. Joy, CWRU and Section 1983
- Visitors to the Law School
- Two April Conferences(Canada-U.S. Conference and Law-Medicine Conference
- Supreme Court Case Re-Argued Here
- Faculty Publications
- Regional Alumni Events Fall 1985
- Alumni Elections
- Alumni Annual Fund Off to a Great Start
- Alumni Weekend 1985
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Law Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
In Brief, iss. 36 (1986).