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In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Lindsey Cowen Recuperating
- Calvin W. Sharpe, Unit Determination Under the Ohio Public Employee Collective Bargaining Law
- New Faculty (Kostritsky, Entin, Chisholm, Mehlman
- Focus on Columbus
- Oliver C. Schroeder, Jr., The Merit Scholarship Program (and Sponsors)
- Visiting Lecturers
- Commencement 1984
- Placement Office Stays Busy
- Class of 1984 -- Placement Report
- The Halter Scholarships
- To Be Young, Female, and a Lawyer (before there were many of them)
- Journals Start a New Year
- Regional Alumni Events Spring, 1984
- The Society of Benchers
- Whatever happened to... Charles D. Weller 1973 Student of the Year
- Library Staff Changes
- Class of 1934 Celebrates the 50th
- Classes of 1935, 1960, 1975 Anniversary Gifts
- 1984 Alumni Annual Fund Exceeds Goal
- Amendments Proposed to Alumni Constitution
- Letter to the Editor
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, Curbing Independent Spending by Political Action Committees
- The Canada-United States Law Institute
- Robert P. Lawry, Justice in Billy Budd
- Focus on Chicago (Over 100 Alumni)
- Kimm Walton, Faculty Auction
- Phlegm Snopes Basketball Tournament
- William W. Falsgraf, '58, ABA President, 1985-86
- William W. Falsgraf, The Practice of Law -- 1984 and Beyond
- Admissions -- A Spring Report
- Whatever Happened to... Joseph M. Sellers 1979 Student of the Year
- Ernest Gelhorn, Baxter in the Pantheon of Antitrust
- Lewis R. Katz, Don't Give Me That New-time Religion
- Law School Hosts National Competition
- Affirmative Action Symposium
- Winter Competitions (Jessup, Niagara, Frederick Douglass, Federal Jurisdiction, Dunmore Moot Courts)
- Client Counseling Competition
- National Trial Competition
- Law Alumni Weekend
- Alumni Awards -- Suggestions Welcome
- Regional Alumni Events
- Alumni Directory Nears Publications
- James A. Weeks Endowment Funds
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Missing Persons
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- The Dean Reports
- Paul C. Giannelli, In Defense of Frye
- Law-Medicine Center Celebrates 30th Anniversary
- Kathleen Carrick, Law Librarian
- Kathleen Carrick, the Law Library: Where Do We Go from Here?
- Focus on New York
- Arthur D. Austin, The Creation and Growth of the Canary Lectureship
- Kenneth L. Albers, The Theatre of Law
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, A Note on Ken Albers
- Continuing Legal Education: A New Venture for the Law School
- New on the Staff: Mary Wirtz
- Presidents of the Bar
- National Moot Court
- 1983 Nathan Burkan Award
- Law School Hosts National Client Counseling Competition
- the 1984 Alumni Annual Fund: A Midyear Report
- Fall 1983 Regional Alumni Events
- Class Reunions, Fall 1983
- Progress Report on Alumni Directory
- Conscience Area Rededicated
- Class of 1983 Placement Update
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Law School Alumni Association
- Calendar of Events
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- The Dean Reports
- Masthead
- Henry T. King, Jr., Nuremberg Revisited
- King Joins Faculty
- Marcia Gaughan Murphy, A Proposed Regulatory Framework for Public Pension Fund Investment Management
- KET, Prof. Murphy's biography
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, '68, Professor Lindsey Cowen
- Law School Honors Mrs. Hostetler
- Irving Younger Takes the Stand
- Commencement Day -- Friday, May 20, 1983
- Erik M. Jensen Joins Law School's Tax Force
- Simon L. Goren Retires as Librarian
- 1983 Dunmore Competition
- Client Counseling Competition
- Law School Hosts Niagara Tournament -- And Wins
- Alumni Events
- Annual Fund Nears $225,000 Goal
- New Appointments (King, Jensen, Rook, Sharpe, Carrick)
- Fall Alumni Weekend
- Missing Persons
- Class Notes
- Our Apologies
- In Memoriam
- Alumni Dates
- Endowment
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Message from the Dean
- [Masthead]
- Leon Gabinet, Section 351: New Tricks for an Old Dog
- College Honors 2 Law Alumni
- Profile: Lisle Buckingham David Knight Ford
- Regulatory Reform Conference
- New Appointments (Clancy, Trawick, Frankel, Granfield, Jaros)
- National Team Moot Court Night
- Blachman Awards
- Faculty Group Invites Comments (Co-Curricular Activities)
- Giannelli Updates Evidence Book
- ASCAP Competition
- John A. Demer, Jr., Impressions of the Soviet Union and Its Legal System
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Our Apologies
- Alumni Dates
- Alumni Tours
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Masthead
- Dean's Report
- Robert P. Lawry, Confidentiality and the New Orleans Amendment
- Peter D. Junger, A Lawyer's Duty: To the Client? Or to the System?
- Appendix: Texts for Comparison
- The David L. Brennan Chair
- The Law School's Named Professors (Gelhorn, Shanker, Austin, Katz, McElhaney, Schroeder)
- A Profile: David L. Brennan
- Journal of International Law Editorial Board
- Roger Abrams, Is Laughter in the First Year a Tort?
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, Old Law Building Reopens as Health Service
- Commencement Day: Old Grads and New Grad
- New and Improved: The Placement Office
- Class of 1983 -- Placement Report
- Judicial Clerkships--Class of 1983
- Law Review 1983-1984
- New Law Alumni Directory
- A Visit from the Court of Appeals
- Society of Benchers
- New on the Faculty: Barbara Rook Snyder
- Visiting Professor Calvin W. Sharpe
- Roger I. Abrams, Ohio Senate Bill 133: Order Out of Chaos
- Arthur D. Austin, Antitrust is Shot Through with Irony
- Gift Honors Two Teachers (Jacoby and Lewis)
- Faculty Committee Reports on Co-Curricular Programs
- Health Matrix
- Derrick Bell Lectures at Law School
- Wendell Albert Falsgraf, 1904-1983
- Abstracts
- Kingman Brewster 1983 Canary Lecture
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Our Apologies
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Profiles on: Five Western Reserve Law School Grads Who Now Serve as U.S. District Judges
- CWRU Announces New Law School Dean
- Annual Fund Nears Goal of $215,000
- Grimberg New Development Dean for Law School and SASS
- Annual Faculty/Law Review Football Match -- A Tie!
- Law Student Visits Poland
- Professor Katz Visits Ghana and Zambia
- Professor Oliver C. Schroeder, Jr., Receives Ohio Bar's Highest Award
- Professor Harold Wren Visits Law School for Academic Year 1981-82
- New Faces at law School (Bulloch, Sobelsohn, Zagrans, Jaros)
- Leonard Woodcock Visits Law School
- Moot Court Team Takes Top Awards
- Class Notes
- Law School Visits Alumni in New York City and Washington, D.C.
- Class of 1980 -- Golf Day
- In Memoriam
- Our Mistake
- Six Inducted into Society of Benchers
- Loren E. Souers Named Alumnus of the Year
- Endowment
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- The Dean Reports
- [Masthead, letter to alumni from Rush McKnight,'55]
- Oliver C. Schroeder, Fletcher Reed Andrews: Gentleman, Scholar, and Dean
- Sam Gaines,'23, The Magnificence of "Fletch"
- Ivan L. Miller, An Expression of Remembrance of Fletcher Reed Andrews
- Exploring a Legal Precedent: How I Spent My Sabbatical (Prof. Austin/CEI litigation)
- Wilbur C. Leatherberry, Deja Vu: Visiting Professor Robert Bensing
- Honor Roll of Annual Giving 1981-82
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Endowment
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- A Letter from the Dean (Gelhorn)
- (Masthead)
- Katz, Warrantless Searches: The High Court's Bad Switch
- Alumni Meetings Spring, 1982
- Commencement Day 1982
- May Festival Evening
- 25- and 10-Year Celebrations
- Six Elected to Membership in the Society of Benchers
- Sam Gaines: He's Sticking to Cases at 82
- Jurist's Twilight Years Have a Rosy Hue (Perry B. Jackson, '22)
- Robert D. Moss--Dean of Barberton Lawyers
- Balancing Children and a Legal Career
- Past Revisited (Licavoli)
- Class Notes
- Class of 1982
- In Memoriam
- Our Apologies
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Dean Cowan Announces Resignation
- [Masthead]
- Law School Golf Day
- The Law School's Travels … 1980-1981
- George White '60
- Jim Johnson '76
- Lee Dunn '70
- Tony Brown '73
- Manning Case '41
- Faculty/Alumni Luncheon Series for Cleveland Area Alumni
- Commencement 1981
- Class of 1931 Celebrates 50th Anniversary
- Awards and Prizes
- Class of 1981
- The Order of the Coif
- Reunion Celebrations
- 1980-81... At the School of Law
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Samuel Sonenfield: Great Teacher: Dear Friend
- Maurice S. Culp: A Tribute to a Gentleman and a Scholar
- Alumni Advisors Program
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Three in Washington (Sugarman, Mundy, Judge Richey)
- Loren Souers '40 Assumes OSBA Presidency
- Six Alumni Selected for Membership in Society of Benchers
- President Louis A. Toepfer Honored by Law Alumni
- Paul W. Walter Outstanding Alumnus of the Year
- Class of 1940 -- 40th Reunion
- OSBA Breakfast Meeting Commencement 1980
- Class of 1930 Celebrates 50th Anniversary
- Class of 1980
- Judge Lloyd O. Brown Guest Speaker
- Regional Visits to Alumni
- CWRU Judges Receive Ohio Judicial Merit Award
- Class of 1955 Sponsors a Spectacular 25th Anniversary Celebration
- Ten Year Celebration for Class of 1970
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Our Error
- Special Announcement (Buckingham Endowment)
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Alumni Profile: William Falsgraf, '58
- Alumni Fund Update
- Faculty Alumni Luncheon Series
- Student Notes: Law Student Relives Thrill of Olympic Competition
- Jessup Moot Court Teams Victorious
- The Order of Barristers
- Faculty Notes
- Second Annual Litigation Forum a Success
- Rosemary McCarney to Visit University of Saskatchewan
- Class Notes
- Our Error
- Law School Will Sponsor Alumni Meeting in Hawaii
- In Memoriam
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Burns on Admissions
- Visiting Faculty in Residence (Hutton, McCarney)
- Annual Campaign Gears Up for 1980
- Faculty Welcomes Rosemary McCarney
- Society of Benchers
- Stewart Highlights Supreme Court Conference
- Alumni Events
- Class of 1969 Reunion
- Noteworthy: Chinese Official Speaks at Law School
- Moot Court Team Places Second in Regionals
- David Norman Receives First Gaines Scholarship
- Laura Chisolm Wins Shelley Halpern Award
- Myron D. Malitz Scholarship Fund
- Faculty Notes
- Class Notes
- Our Mistake
- In Memoriam
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Alumni Profile: Peter Reed, '25
- Austin is First Hahn Professor
- Law-Medicine Center Celebrates 25th Anniversary
- The Changing Face of Law: Part Three of Three (Prof. Jackson)
- Alumni Events
- Reunion Celebrations
- Moot Court Programs
- Law Staff news
- Scholarship Recipients
- Class Notes
- Noteworthy
- In Memoriam
- Erratum
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- From the Dean: State of the School Fall 1978 (Cowan)
- Annual Campaign Off to Fine Start
- Annual Fund Will Utilize Class Agents
- Cray J. Coppins, Jr., '71 Assumes Annual Fund Leadership
- The Changing Face of Law: Part Two of Three
- In Memoriam
- Society of Benchers Inducts Five Distinguished Members
- New York Alumni Gather at Essex House
- Class Notes
- Erratum
- Faculty Notes
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Alumni Profile: Frederick K. Cox
- Alumni Association, Administration, and Faculty
- Commencement 1978
- Awards and Prizes
- The Changing Face of Law (Marcia Gaughan Murphy)
- Robert D. Moss '33 Awarded Ohio State Bar Medal
- Roommates Win Dunmore
- Our Apologies
- Law School Sponsors Alumni Trips to Canton, Columbus, Washington, D.C. and New York City
- Gund Hall is Scene of Law Alumni Dinner Dance
- Bruce Griswold, '47, Named Outstanding Alumnus of the Year
- Erratum
- In Memoriam
- Class of 1933 Sponsors Exceptional Reunion Luncheon
- Class Notes
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Alumni Profile: Frank Barnett
- Law Annual Fund
- The Class of 1974 Sponsors First Reunion
- Class Reunions
- Law Alumni Annual Banquet
- Myron W. Ulrich 1979 Recipient of the Fletcher Reed Andrews Outstanding Alumnus of the Year Award
- Ann G. Klein is New Placement Director
- Alumni Events
- Kevin McMahon is New Director of Development
- Commencement Day 1979
- Noteworthy
- New Faculty Promotions
- Order of the Coif
- Awards & Prizes
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Oliver C. Schroeder, Jr. Named First Weatherhead Professor of Criminal Justice
- Alumni Association, Administration, and Faculty
- Dean Cramer's History of Law School Well Received
- Faculty/Alumni Luncheon
- The Hon. Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr. Meets with Students
- Student Notes
- Canadian Law Students Participate in Exchange
- 1979 Alumni Annual Fund Drive Will Use Class Agents Program
- In Memoriam
- Class Notes
- 1978 Law Alumni Annual Fund Still Short of Goal
- Third Year Student Attends Salzburg Seminar in American Studies
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- 1977 ---- It Was a Very Good Year
- Alumni, Administration, and Faculty
- 1977-78 Law Annual Campaign Goes Over Top!
- 1978 Campaign To a Fine Start
- New Scholarships Established
- Special Note: Guest Lecturers at the School of Law
- Faculty/Alumni Luncheon Series
- Outstanding Alumnus of the Year (Norman A. Sugarman, Adl. '38, Law '40)
- Law Alumni Annual Dinner and Reunion
- New Faces at the Law School (Hamilton, Haynes, Moore, Murphy, James)
- Commencement 1997
- In Memoriam (Mrs. Andrews, Dean Edgar I. King)
- Class Notes
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Clarence H. Cramer, The School of Law
- Alumni Board, Administration and Faculty
- In Memoriam: Miss Helen Garee
- In Memoriam
- Lawrence Klich Memorial Fund
- "A Night at Pickle Bill's"
- Faculty Notes
- Coming Alumni Events
- 1976 Alumni Fund: Ahead of Last Year But...
- Faculty/Alumni Luncheon Series
- Student Notes
- Class Notes
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- From the Dean (Cowan)
- Alumni Association, Administration, and Faculty
- Conclusion: The Law School
- Lewis R. Katz Appointed John C. Hutchins Professor of Law
- Faculty Notes
- New Faces at the Law School (McElhaney, Burns, Jackson)
- 1976
- The Society of Benchers
- Spellacy Addressed Alumni
- Law Alumni Banquet
- Outstanding Alumnus of the Year Robert D. Moss, Adl. '31, Law '33
- Highlights--Alumni Events '76
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam Established
- Our Mistake
- Student Notes
- Canada/U.S. Law Institute
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Upon the Occasion of Orientation Class of 1978
- [Alumni/Administration/Faculty]
- Up-Coming Alumni Events
- "1976 Alumni Fund Chairman Named"
- Outstanding Alumnus of the Year - 1975
- Faculty Notes
- New Faculty Appointments
- Class of 1975--Commencement
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
- Our Mistakes
- Student Notes
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- [Masthead (Alumni/Administration/Faculty)]
- In Memoriam
- Alumni Events
- 150,000th Volume Accessed
- Highlights 1974-75
- Faculty Notes
- Society of Benchers
- New Faculty Appointments
- Annual Fund Report Class Notes--Friends
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Culp to Retire
- Reminiscences for "In Brief"
- [Law Alumni Association, Administration, and Faculty]
- Faculty Alumni Luncheon
- Annual Fund Report
- Telethon
- Student Notes
- New Faculty Member
- Placement Office
- Law Alumni Reunion
- Center for Criminal Justice
- Faculty Notes
- Class Notes
- In Memoriam
In Brief
Table of Contents:
- Weatherhead Professorship Established
- New Administrative Appointments...
- Nirvanissimo
- A Place in the Sun
- Law Alumni Association Annual Meeting
- Moot Court Night 1973
- New Faculty Members
- Faculty/Alumni Luncheon
- Faculty Notes
- In Memoriam
- Class Notes