Submissions | Health Matrix: The Journal of Law-Medicine | Student Journals | Case Western Reserve University School of Law


Health Matrix welcomes submissions of original articles. Possible topical areas include: legal medicine, health law and policy, professional liability, biomedical ethics, and medical-legal research. Health Matrix does not currently accept articles from students outside of Case Western Reserve School of Law. Citations conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2021). Style conforms to the Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed. 2017). Health Matrix prefers submissions through Scholastica.

  • Conflict of Interest: Authors should disclose potential conflicts of interest to the journal editors. Conflicts of interests exist when financial or other personal considerations may compromise or appear to compromise a researcher's professional judgment in conducting research or writing scholarship.
  • Human and Animal Rights, and Informed Consent: For manuscripts involving human or animal subjects, we require proof of IRB approval and informed consent. This information, including the name of the institution granting the approval and any applicable reference numbers (e.g. protocol numbers), must be in the manuscript.
  • Data Sharing: Most Health Matrix articles involve legal, ethical, and policy analysis and are not based on raw data. In the case of articles that utilize raw data, the editors will work with the author on a data-sharing approach.
  • Advertising: Health Matrix does not accept advertising. Corrections and Retractions: Authors may submit requests for corrections and retractions. The editorial board carefully reviews the requests and responds to each request with a decision. If appropriate, the editors will publish errata statements or update the online version of an article.
  • Peer Review: This traditional law review uses the standard review process for law reviews. In consultation with the faculty advisor, who is a noted scholar in law and bioethics, members of the executive board select articles for submission. After a manuscript is selected, it goes to the editorial staff, which performs an extensive review. This review involves locating and reading each source the author cited and evaluating whether it supports the assertion for which the author cited it. It also involves identifying places where the author has assertions that have no source to support them. After the editorial staff reviews the accuracy of the manuscript, they work with the author to correct any quality issues before the manuscript goes to press.
  • Research Ethics: See CWRU statement on Responsible Research Conduct.