About This Journal | Health Matrix: The Journal of Law-Medicine | Student Journals | Case Western Reserve University School of Law

About This Journal

Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine (cite as: Health Matrix) is a premier journal of legal scholarship focusing on the intersection of law, ethics, medicine, and policy. Founded in 1983, Health Matrix is a student-run journal at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. Its editors work closely with faculty advisors who are preeminent in the fields of health law and bioethics. U.S. News & World Report ranks Case Western Reserve University School of Law as having one of the top health law programs, and Health Matrix is the "second highest" ranked student run law review focusing on health law.

Published once a year each spring, Health Matrix includes articles written by influential scholars as well as student notes written with faculty guidance. Each issue also includes a symposium on a significant and timely health law topic.