Front Matter
Volume 44 (2020)
Canada-United States Law Journal
Proceedings of the 43rd CUSLI Annual Conference on the State of Out Nations: Coorperating on Climate Change - Conference Speakers
Canada-United States Law Journal
Welcome and Opening of the 43rd CUSLI Annual Conference
Stephen J. Petras Jr.
Opening Lecture - Climate Chage: The Facts
Dr. Eugene Takle
Ambassadors' and Minsters' Roundtable - What are the Prospects for High-Level Coordination?
Consul General Joseph Comartin, The Honorable James J. Blanchard, The Honorable James S. Peterson, and The Honorable Peters MacKay
Panel Discussion - Climate Change, Policy , and Law
Lawrence L. Herman, Martha Hall Findlay, Lana Pollack, and The Honorable John Godfrey
Keynote Speaker - The Impact of Climate Change on Canadian-U.S. Defense
The Honorable John McKay
Panel Discussion - Climate Change and Economy
Richard Cunningham, David Terry, Grant Goodrich, and Karlis Vasarais
Panel Discussion - Regional Efforts on Climate Change
Mark Fisher, Terrance J. Fitzpatrick, Chi Carmody, and Marc DeBlois