Front Matter
Title Page
Title Page
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Richard L. Knight
Biotechnology, Food, and Agriculture Disputes or Food Safety and International Trade
Shirley A. Coffield
Introduction and History of the Canada/U.S. Law Institute
Sidney Picker Jr.
Conference Opening The Management and Resolution of Cross Border Disputes as Canada/U.S. Enter the 21st Century
Henry T. King Jr.
Introduction: Overview of Canada/U.S. Dispute Management and Settlement: Where We Are in Terms of Successes and Failures
Henry T. King Jr.
Overview of Canada/U.S. Dispute Management and Settlement: Where We Are in Terms of Successes and Failures--A U.S. Perspective
James J. Blanchard
The Management and Resolution of Cross Border Disputes as Canada and the U.S. Enter the 21st Century
Donald S. Macdonald
The Convergence of Law and Diplomacy in United States-Canada Relations: The Precedent of the Gulf of Maine Case
Davis R. Robinson
Introduction: The Politics of Cross Border Dispute Resolution
Henry T. King Jr.
The Politics of Cross Border Dispute Resolution
Robert K. Rae
NAFTA Chapter 19: How Well Does It Work--How Much Is Needed
Richard O. Cuuningham
Chapter 11--Private Party vs. Government, Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Frankenstein or Safety Valve
Daniel M. Price
Chapter 11--Private Party vs. Governments, Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Frankenstein or Safety Valve
David R. Haigh
Introduction: Meet the Press: How Does the Press View the Handling of Canada/U.S. Disputes
Katherine Braid
Introduction: States, Provinces, and Cross-Border International Trade
M. Catherine Vernon
States, Provinces, and Cross-Border International Trade
Matthew Schaefer
Introduction: Conflicts on Export Controls and Defense Trade Matters
Dorinda Dallmeyer
Conflicts on Export Controls and Defense Trade Matters
Terence Murphy and Douglas Forsythe
Introduction: The Mexican View on the Operation of NAFTA for the Resolution of Canada-U.S.-Mexico Disputes
Nicholas J. DeRoma
The Mexican View on the Operation of NAFTA for the Resolution of Canada-U.S.-Mexico Disputes
Guillermo Aguilar Alvarez
Introduction: Biotechnology, Food, and Agriculture Disputes or Food Safety and International Trade
Henry T. King Jr.
Introduction: Cross-Border Canada/U.S. Cooperation in Investigations and Enforcement Actions Vis a Vis Private Parties
Thomas A. Ladd
Cross-Border Canada/U.S. Cooperation in Investigations and Enforcement Actions Vis a Vis Private Parties
Konrad von Finckenstein
Introduction: Telecommunications and Culture: Transborder Freedom of Information or Cultural Identity
J. Michael Robinson
Telecommunications and Culture: Transborder Freedom of Information or Cultural Identity
Hamilton Loeb
Telecommunications and Culture: Transborder Freedom of Information or Cultural Identity
Kenneth C.C. Stein
Introduction: Looking Ahead: Common Institutions or Muddling through
Henry T. King Jr.
Looking Ahead: Common Institutions or Muddling through
T. Bradbrooke Smith
Closing Remarks
Henry T. King Jr.