Front Matter
Table of Contents
Volume 23 (1997)
Title Page
Volume 23 (1997)
Introduction and History of the Canada-U.S. Law Institute
Sidney Picker Jr.
Conference Opening
Henry T. King Jr.
Introduction and History of the Canada-U.S. Law Institute
Sidney Picker Jr.
Conference Opening
Henry T. King Jr.
Judging NAFTA
Gary Hufbauer and Jacqueline McFadyen
Shaping the Trident: Intellectual Property under NAFTA, Investment Protection Agreements and at the World Trade Organization
Allen Z. Hertz
The Mexican Economic Recovery
Alejandro Nadal
Seeing NAFTA through Three Lenses
Ewell E. Murphy Jr.
NAFTA--The Broad Strokes: A Canadian Lawyer's Perspective
Lawrence L. Herman
NAFTA Vis a Vis the E.U.--Similarities and Differences and Their Effects on Member Countries
J. Michael Gerhardt
NAFTA Vis a Vis the E.U.--Similarities and Differences and Their Effects on Member Countries
William C. Graham
Dispute Resolution under NAFTA
Henry T. King Jr.
Implications of NAFTA's Extension to Chile and Other Countries
Katherine F. Braid
NAFTA's Provisions Regarding Intellectual Property--Are They Working as Intended--A U.S. Perspective
Joseph S. Papovich
NAFTA in the Global Context
Richard O. Cunningham
NAFTA's Environmental Provisions: Are They Working as Intended--Are They Adequate--Another View from Canada
Andre Beaulieu
Introduction: NAFTA and the States and Provinces: Are They Connecting--Are There Loopholes to Be Closed--NAFTA and Sub-Federal Rules and Policies
Henry T. King Jr.
NAFTA's Economic Effects: Plus or Minus
Henry T. King Jr.
NAFTA's Legal Effects--The Broad Strokes
Henry T. King Jr.
The Cultural Industries Exemption from NAFTA--Its Parameters
John A. Ragosta
Introduction: NAFTA at Three-And-One-Half Years: Where Do We Stand and Where Do We Go
Henry T. King Jr.
Introduction: NAFTA's Environmental Provisions: Are They Working as Intended--Are They Adequate
Jon Groetzinger Jr.
NAFTA and the Canadian Provinces: Two Ships Passing in the Night
James P. McIlroy
Searching for Pareto Gains in the Relationship between Free Trade and Federalism: Revisiting the NAFTA, Eyeing the FTAA
Matthew Schaefer
Restructuring under NAFTA
Henry T. King Jr.
NAFTA and the Future
Henry T. King Jr.
Closing Remarks and Discussion
Henry T. King Jr.
NAFTA Vis a Vis the E.U.--Similarities and Differences and Their Effects on Member Countries
William C. Graham
Dispute Resolution under NAFTA: A U.S. Perspective
Robert Cassidy