Videos from 2010
The Canada-US Regulatory Regime: Review, Reform, Recover (Panel 2), Canada--United States Law Journal
The Canada-US Regulatory Regime: Review, Reform, Recover (Welcome), Canada--United States Law Institute
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Conflict or Convergence?, Sir Christopher Greenwood, CMG, Q.C.
The Canada-US Regulatory Regime: Review, Reform, Recover (Panel 3), Canada--United States Law Institute
Reproductive Rights, Human Rights, and the Human Right to Health Care (Part 1), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Reproductive Rights, Human Rights, and the Human Right to Health Care (Part 2), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Reproductive Rights, Human Rights, and the Human Right to Health Care (Part 3), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Reproductive Rights, Human Rights, and the Human Right to Health (Part 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Videos from 2009
Mandatory Employment Arbitration: Keeping It Fair, Keeping It Lawful, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues, Sister Helen Prejean
Moral Rights: The Future of Copyright?, Mira T. Sundara Rajan, DPhil
Lincoln as a lawyer, Jonathan Entin, John J. Grabowski, and John Vacha
The Challenge of the Khmer Rouge Trials, Robert Petit
Access to the Courts in the Roberts Era (Part 1), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Access to the Courts in the Roberts Era (Part 2), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Access to the Courts in the Roberts Era (Part 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Access to the Courts in the Roberts Era (Part 5), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Access to the Courts in the Roberts Era: Keynote Speech (Part 3), Case Western Reserve University School of Law and Gene R. Nichol
Videos from 2008
High Crimes and High Drama, Michael P. Scharf and Henry T. King, Jr.
Henry King talk, Henry T. King
From Dayton to Dover: A History of the Evolution Teaching Legal Controversy in America, Edward J. Larson
Stephanie Tubbs Jones memorial, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Natural Rights, Enumerated Rights, and the Ninth Amendment, Honorable Michael W. McConnell
Historical Evolution of the Crime of Aggression, M. Cherif Bassiouni
Keynote Address, M. Cherif Bassiouni
A Path Forward: New Insights Into Revenge, Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Human Nature, Stephen G. Post
Canada-United States Law Institute annual conference : the world's longest undefended border: gateway or checkpoint? (DVD 1 of 3), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Canada-United States Law Institute annual conference : the world's longest undefended border: gateway or checkpoint? (DVD 2 of 3), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Canada-United States Law Institute annual conference : the world's longest undefended border: gateway or checkpoint? (DVD 3 of 3), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
World Conference on Combatting Terrorism (Part 1), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
World Conference on Combatting Terrorism (Part 3), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
World Conference on Combatting Terrorism (Part 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
World Conference on Combatting Terrorism (Part 5), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
World Conference on Combatting Terrorism (Part 6), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Dean Lindsey Cowen Business Law Lecture, Hon. Frank H. Easterbrook
Distinguished Lecture in Global Security Law & Policy, Elizabeth Hillman
An Environmental Break Through? The Challenge of Climate Change, the Death of Environmentalism, and the Politics of Possibility, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Solving the employee reference conundrum, Matthew Finkin
Corporations and Their Communities (Session 1), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Corporations and Their Communities (Session 2), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Corporations and Their Communities (Session 3), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Corporations and Their Communities (Session 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet, Daniel J. Solove
Before Victims Become Victims: Preventing Genocide and Mass Murder, W. Michael Reisman
Oliver Schroeder memorial, Lewis R. Katz, Maxwell J. Mehlman, Miles J. Zaremski, and Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Videos from 2007
Secrecy and national security, Ted Gup
Secrecy and National Security, Ted Gup
Designing a national health insurance alternative (DVD 1 of 2), George D. Greenberg, Timothy S. Jost, Maxwell Mehlman, Marilyn Moon, Theodore R. Marmor, William Scanlon, J.B. Silvers, and Joseph White
Designing a national health insurance alternative (DVD 2 of 2), George D. Greenberg, Timothy S. Jost, Maxwell Mehlman, Marilyn Moon, Theodore R. Marmor, William Scanlon, J.B. Silvers, and Joseph White
The International Criminal Court : seeking global justice, Luis Moreno-Ocampo
Temporary-effect legislation and fiscal responsibility, George K. Yin
Supreme Court preview symposium : scheme liability, section 10(b), and Stoneridge Investment Partners v. Scientific Atlanta (DVD 1 of 2), Stephen M. Bainbridge, Richard W. Painter, and Robert J. Brown Jr.
Supreme Court preview symposium videorecording : scheme liability, section 10(b), and Stoneridge Investment Partners v. Scientific Atlanta (DVD 2 of 2), Stephen M. Bainbridge, Richard W. Painter, and Robert J. Brown Jr.
Against integrative bargaining, Russell Korobkin
Fitting lying to the court into the central moral tradition of lawyering, Fred C. Zacharias
The Robert P. Lawry Lecture in Legal Ethics, Fred C. Zacharias
The U.S. Health Care System 'In Irons' — in Which Direction Will It Emerge?, Stuart N. Altman PhD
Hardball Negotiating Tactics: Why They Work & How They Can Fail So Badly, Max Factor III
The Sarbanes-Oxley Debacle, Henry N. Butler
Parental Leave and Other Embarassments, Saul Levmore
Parental leave and other embarrassments, Saul Z. Levmore
Canada-United States Law Institute annual conference : comparative legal aspects of entrepreneurship in Canada and the United States, April 13-14, 2007 (DVD 1 of 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Canada-United States Law Institute annual conference : comparative legal aspects of entrepreneurship in Canada and the United States, April 13-14, 2007 (DVD 2 of 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Canada-United States Law Institute annual conference : comparative legal aspects of entrepreneurship in Canada and the United States, April 13-14, 2007 (DVD 3 of 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Canada-United States Law Institute annual conference : comparative legal aspects of entrepreneurship in Canada and the United States, April 13-14, 2007 (DVD 4 of 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Appellate courts and independent experts, Douglas H. Ginsburg
Sacred violence: religion and terrorism; the Roe Green Foundation Conference (DVD 3-4 of 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Sacred violence: religion and terrorism; the Roe Green Foundation Conference (DVD 1-2 of 4), Case Western Reserve University School of Law and Bruce Hoffman
The 9/11 victim compensation fund, Kenneth R. Feinberg
Putting law to work: the resurrection of workplace self-governance, Cynthia Estlund
Biobanking and Bioethics: When Genetics Research Hits the Courts, Lori B. Andrews
A discussion of the most pressing and salient international human rights issues in the news today, Kenneth Roth
Global Human Rights Leadership: Who Will Fill the Void Left by the U.S.?, Kenneth Roth
After the Financial Services Revolution: Deregulation, Bankruptcy Reform and Consumer Debt Crisis, Robert D. Manning, PhD
Tactical prevention of suicide bombings in Israel, Edward Harris Kaplan
Prosecutorial Ethics and the Right to a Fair Trial: The Role of the Brady Rule (Part 1), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Prosecutorial Ethics and the Right to a Fair Trial: The Role of the Brady Rule (Session 2) (Part 2), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Prosecutorial Ethics and the Right to a Fair Trial: The Role of the Brady Rule (Session 3) (Part 3), Barry Scheck
The embryo question: biotechnology and the status of nascent human life, Robert P. George
Videos from 2006
Domestic and international fringe benefits : how and when to tax a free lunch, Norman Vann and William K. Jacobs
The 1996 WIPO Copyright Treaties: 10 Years Later. Panel 3: The Database Protection Debate, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
The 1996 WIPO Copyright Treaties: 10 Years Later. Copyright's Compromise, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
The 1996 WIPO Copyright Treaties: 10 Years Later. Panel 1: Drafting, Policy, and Implementation, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
The 1996 WIPO Copyright Treaties: 10 Years Later. Panel 2: The Copyright Treaties and DRM, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
The 1996 WIPO copyright treaties : ten years later (DVD 1-2 of 3), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
The 1996 WIPO copyright treaties : ten years later (DVD 3 of 3), Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Great expectations: the struggle to protect populations from catastrophic uncertainty, Elin A. Gursky
Touching a live wire: charities and politics, Marcus S. Owens
Truth commissions: between impunity and prosecution, Thomas Buergenthal
Negotiating ethnic conflict, Robert H. Mnookin
Lessons from the Saddam Trial. Debate: Did Saddam Get a Fair Trial?, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Lessons from the Saddam trial (DVD 1 of 2), Michael P. Scharf, M. Cherif Bassiouni, and Samir Sumaidaie
Lessons from the Saddam trial (DVD 2 of 2), Michael P. Scharf, M. Cherif Bassiouni, and Samir Sumaidaie
Lessons from the Saddam Trial. Trying Saddam: An Insider's Perspective, Samir Sumaidaie
The role of science in health policy decision making: the case of emergency contraception (DVD), Susan F. Wood
The Role of Science in Health Policy Decision-making: The Case of Emergency Contraception (YouTube), Susan F. Wood PhD
Lecture on the five-year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Richard Rawlings
Comparative aspects of innovation in Canada and the United States (audiocassette 4 of 6), Canada-United States Law Institute. Annual Conference (2006 : Cleveland, Ohio)