Taking Free Exercise Rights Seriously

Date of Event



March 30, 2006

Professor Alan E. Brownstein, University of California, Davis School of Law

Presented by: Center for Professional Ethics

William A. Brahms Lecture on Law and Religion

Constitutional law does not take free exercise rights seriously. Creating a more complex free exercise jurisprudence • How do we balance religious exercise against conflicting state interests? Professor Brownstein is an expert on church-state issues and has also written extensively on freedom of speech, privacy and autonomy rights and other constitutional law subjects. His articles have been published in numerous academic journals, including the Stanford Law Review. Professor Brownstein teaches Constitutional Law, Law and Religion, and Torts at the UC Davis School of Law, is a frequent lecturer at academic conferences and in law related programs before civic, legal, religious and educational groups. He received his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1977.

Subject Headings

constitutional law; free exercise; religious freedom ; state interests; state interests and freedom of religion; First Amendment; free exercise jurisprudence


Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Document Type

