17th Transatlantic Intellectual Property Summer Academy: TRIPS at Age 30: A Major Success Story

Date of Event



Sept. 3-6, 2023

Event Description

For one week each year, Case Western Reserve University School of Law organizes or takes part in the Transatlantic Intellectual Property Summer Academy jointly with other schools and universities. Faculty includes highly-regarded academics from top-ranked law schools around the world, including Bocconi University.

The course features leading IP scholars and researchers from multiple countries in Europe and North America. The number of participants is limited to 50. Attendees must meet one of the following:

  • have a graduate degree in law, economics or engineering;
  • have an undergraduate degree in law (subject to a selection procedure);
  • be a current American JD or graduate student; or
  • be a young researcher or professional working in TTOs.

The program costs $900. Participants are responsible for booking their own travel, accommodation and meals.

Students enrolled in Universities of origin of the Transatlantic Academy's Lecturers can obtain, upon admission, a 20% discount on fees.

The September 2024 Transatlantic Intellectual Property Summer Academy topic focuses on the WTO TRIPS Agreement as a success story: for the last three decades, the TRIPS Agreement was often vilipended. Though the agreement is not at all exempt from major criticism for its undetailed provisions related to public health, and its loose provisions on IP and technology transfer, the overall benefits of the agreement are now better acknowledged for most national economies in developed economies (including the US and Europe), but also in emerging and developing economies, many businesses circles and in society. The program will shed light on the TRIPS success, that permits the advancement of further IP Treaties at WIPO and the development for the last 30 years of modern IP legislation in most countries of the world.

A participatory and interactive teaching approach is used for all lessons, including business examples and studies, practical exercises, and direct contact opportunities with IP operators and companies. Free tutor assistance is also available.

An optional daily recreational program is available in advance to participants and includes invitations to cultural and social activities at free or limited costs.

Entry requirements are indicated below.

Attendance certificates are granted at the completion of the program.

Click here for the event agenda.

Event Location

CWRU Tinkham Veale University Center, Senior Classroom, 11038 Bellflower Road, Cleveland, OH 44106


CWRU Tinkham Veale Center, Senior Classroom

Document Type

