"Ancillary Relief in Federal Securities Law: A Study in Federal Remedie" by George W. Dent


George W. Dent


After describing the history and current practice of ancillary relief in federal securities law, this Article analyzes the general law of federal remedies and ancillary relief, including ancillary relief in other areas of administrative law, recent developments in federal equity, statutory interpretation, and federal common law, and implied statutory remedies. The Article then examines pertinent aspects of the federal securities laws, including their legislative history and recent judicial interpretations. On this basis the Article recommends both a general approach to ancillary relief in federal securities law and responses to problems of specific remedies. Finally, the Article discusses ancillary relief under the proposed ALI Federal Securities Code and recommends some amendments.



Publication Date


Document Type


Place of Original Publication

Minnesota Law Review

Publication Information

67 Minnesota Law Review 865 (1983)


COinS George W. Dent Faculty Bio