"Foreword: After Guantanamo" by Michael P. Scharf and Sonia Vohra


“Guantanamo Bay.” To many around the world those two words conjure up haunting images of orange jumpsuit-clad detainees imprisoned behind barbed-wire fences, subjected to the cruelest imaginable interrogation techniques, and held indefinitely without trial, or awaiting trial before military commissions whose procedures violate international law. It is no surprise, then, that the new U.S. administration perceived the Guantanamo Bay detention center and associated detainee policies as an indelible stain on America's moral authority and an impediment to the success of future U.S. foreign policy.


International Law, Human rights includes foreign, gender, children, Detention

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42 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 1 (2009)


COinS Michael P. Scharf Faculty Bio