"United States Restrictions on Exports to South Africa" by Maxwell J. Mehlman, Thomas H. Milch et al.

United States Restrictions on Exports to South Africa


This article traces the history of the U.S. policy of restricting exports to South Africa and examines in detail the restrictions that are currently in effect It evaluates the effectiveness of these limitations in light of stated U.S. foreign policy goals. The article concludes that, contrary to the views of many U.S. exporters, the current trade limitations represent only a "middle road" position: while direct shipments of major military equipment from the United States to South Africa appear largely to have been halted, the South African security forces continue to be able to obtain a substantial amount of logistical support from U.S. sources. Finally, the article recommends certain changes in the export restrictions that would increase their effectiveness.


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Place of Original Publication

American Journal of International Law

Publication Information

73 American Journal of International Law 581 (1979)

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COinS Maxwell J. Mehlman Faculty Bio