

Muhammed Asadi


My purpose in this paper is to critically review various theoretical perspectives contained in the literature to come up with implications for a comprehensive model that captures the intersectionality of race, gender and class in the International System with special emphasis on gender. My theoretical model links the U.S. gender ‘project’ post World War II: the construction of the post war ‘nuclear family’ and the reinvention of women’s ‘sacred domestic sphere’ to the maintenance of gender oppression globally by the U.S. in a world dominated by it. The common ingredient in such oppression is the use of women as productive and reproductive labor, within a militarized global economy, together with the use of elements of the cultural lag, structurally perpetuated, of earlier modes of production as value ‘master symbols’ to legitimize such oppression and keep gender divisions salient. Since core nations benefit from core-periphery relationships, they keep such an order intact, this means that the core nations with the U.S. at their helm as hegemon are deeply implicated in the oppression of women in peripheral countries.
